
Wooltrade sales steady as buyers chase specific types

Sheep Central November 24, 2015

Wooltrade logoWOOLTRADE sales steadied online last week as the Australian physical auction market eased slightly and the AWEX Eastern Market Indicator closed down 2 cents to 1249c/kg clean.

Australian Wool Innovation’s weekly wool market review said buyer activity at physical auctions last week looked far more measured than the past few sales.

“Most exporters were seemingly chasing specific types in limited quantities only to complete outstanding commitments.

“Slight concerns were expressed on the wool show floors over delays in shipments and the seasons Chinese import quota running out, but most of the main buyers operated at around similar levels to the close of last week,” the AWI report said.

Wooltrade market operations officer Harriet Forster said 176 bales were sold online with the top price for Merino fleece wool being 1599c/kg clean, or 1198c/kg greasy, for a two bale 16.9 micron line. The line had a yield of 74.9 percent, an average staple length of 92mm, tensile strength of 56 Newtons/kilotex and 0.4pc vegetable matter content. It was offered by Roberts Wool and branded NSB.

A three-bale line of 17.5 micron fleece wool sold for 1479c/kg clean, or 1041c/kg greasy. It yielded 70.4pc, with a mean staple length of 69mm, tensile strength of 44N/kt and 0.9pc vm.

An eight-bale 18.7 micron line with a yield of 68pc, 90mm staple length and 24 N/kt6 tensile strength sold for 1350c/kg clean, or 918c/kg greasy. It had a vm content of 1.6pc.

An 11-bale line of 19.9 micron fleece wool made 1324c/kg clean, or 984c/kg greasy. It had a yield of 74.3pc, average staple length of 93mm, tensile strength of 31N/kt and 0.4pc vm.

A two-bale line of 20 micron fleece wool sold for 1308c/kg clean, or 823c/kg greasy. The line yielded 62.9pc, with an average staple length of 103mm, tensile strength of 36N/kt and 2pc vm.

A 10-bale line of 21.2 micron Merino fleece made 1305c/kg clean, or 825c/kg greasy. This southern line yielded 63.2pc, with a mean staple length of 111mm, tensile strength of 33N/kt and vm content of 0.4pc.

A six-bale line of 22.2 micron Merino fleece sold for 1224c/kg clean, or 825c/kg greasy. This line yielded 67.4pc, with an average staple length of 88mm, tensile strength of 31N/kt and vm content of 0.2pc.

Cardings sold to 1148c/kg clean, or 760c/kg greasy, for a two-bale 18.9 micron line with an average length of 42mm, yield of 66.2pc and 0.5pc vm.

Skirtings made to 1234c/kg clean, or 760c/kg greasy, for a seven-bale line of 21.5 micron pieces with a yield of 61.6pc, average staple length of 93mm, tensile strength of 33N/kt and vm content of 2.4pc.

Click here for last week’s Wooltrade top prices summary.

Sources: Wooltrade, AWI.


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