DINGO attacks on sheep in north-west Victoria are increasing as camera monitoring shows rising incursions into farm property adjacent to the Big Desert Wilderness Park in north-west Victoria…Read More
URGENT trapping of wild dogs has been called for in south-east South Australia, adjacent to parklands in north-west Victoria where dingoes are now protected…Read More
Sheep Central, November 13, 2024TASMANIAN farmers have raised widlife encroachment into farming areas as a food security issue…Read More
Sheep Central, October 21, 2024NORTH-WEST Victorian sheep producers are concerned a lack of water in the region’s public parks will again lead to further dingo attacks on sheep flocks in coming months…Read More
Terry Sim, October 4, 2024The Victorian Farmers Federation has welcomed the government’s announcement that control of dingoes in north-east and eastern Victoria will continue until 1 January 2028…Read More
Sheep Central, September 25, 2024RECENT estimates of Victoria’s dingo populations have been challenged in a submission calling for the Victorian Government to immediately reinstate legislation continuing management of dingoes on public lands…Read More
Sheep Central, September 20, 2024VICTORIA’S State Government has said it is not considering releasing additional dingoes in north-west Victoria, despite concerns the population is inbred and at risk of extinction without the introduction of new genetics…Read More
Terry Sim, September 11, 2024PRESSURE is mounting on the Victorian Government to release the full details of a livestock predation survey done, as cracks were identified in the survey’s methodology…Read More
Terry Sim, September 4, 2024FEARS that a lack of future control of dingoes or wild dogs in Victoria would lead to their spread into new farming and peri-urban areas across the state has prompted a call for statewide participation in State Government feedback sessions next month…Read More
Terry Sim, August 30, 2024A PROPOSAL to monitor dingo movements with radio collars in north-west Victoria has won the support of Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Clare Scriven…Read More
Terry Sim, August 14, 2024VICTORIAN livestock producers are being urged to participate in a livestock predation survey as the State Government reviews wild dog and dingo management in the state…Read More
Sheep Central, July 26, 2024NEW South Wales livestock farmers have taken up the call for government-to-government action on Victoria’s weakening wild dog controls…Read More
Sheep Central, July 12, 2024