LIMITED grower selling has seen wheat and barley trade sideways in the past week, with the exception of a few consumer shorts providing spikes in the market…Read More
Liz Wells, February 3, 2025PRACTICAL Merino ewe mortality intervention strategies will be trialled on farms across Australia during the 2025 lambing season as part of a four-year research project…Read More
Sheep Central, February 3, 2025VOLUME traded in the feedgrain market has been thin, despite bids creeping up to draw out tonnage and cover a limited number of short positions…Read More
Liz Wells, January 28, 2025PRICES for feed wheat and barley have moved little since mid-December as growers focus on pricing and delivering pulses and canola, and consumers rest on coverage previously booked for coming weeks…Read More
Liz Wells, January 20, 2025VALUES for southern barley and ASW wheat have firmed following rain that has slowed harvest and grain deliveries, but brought to life an SFW wheat market which will satisfy some consumers’ needs…Read More
Liz Wells, December 9, 2024RAIN interruptions to harvest across south-eastern Australia have bumped up feed grain values in the south as a few trade shorts put up their hands…Read More
Liz Wells, December 2, 2024RAIN across much of the northern region put the brakes on harvest last week and has slowed grain movements to a crawl…Read More
Liz Wells, November 25, 2024AUSTRALIA’S largest stockfeed miller holds hopes to increase production at the mill it purchased this year in northern Tasmania, Ridley managing director and chief executive officer Quinton Hildebrand said in his address yesterday to the company’s annual general meeting…Read More
Sheep Central, November 20, 2024PRICES for wheat and barley in the northern region have shot up by $30 per tonne or more as consumers feel the pain of the grower’s focus on selling and shifting pulses straight off the header…Read More
Liz Wells, November 18, 2024A BIG and fast-paced shipping program for chickpeas and faba beans is limiting the amount of feed wheat and barley being sold and executed in the northern market, where cereal values have eased in the past week…Read More
Liz Wells, November 11, 2024HARVEST activity in southern Queensland and northern New South Wales has peaked this week, and prices have firmed as grower selling of wheat and barley thins…Read More
Liz Wells, November 4, 2024HARVEST in southern Queensland and northern New South Wales is accelerating rapidly amid fine weather, and prices have softened as a result…Read More
Liz Wells, October 28, 2024