
Wool market, bale changes and biosecurity on forum agenda

Terry Sim August 11, 2015

AWEX logo1SOUTH-WEST Victorian wool growers and classers will get an insight into market developments, livestock biosecurity and industry initiatives at an AWEX forum in Hamilton this Saturday.

The AWEX Wool Forum will feature a popular Tradetalk session, with Techwool Trading export trade manager Josh Lamb, and Fox and Lillie Rural trading manager Wes McNaughton, discussing and answering questions on current market trends.

AWEX chief executive officer Mark Grave said the Tradetalk sessions are one of the all too few opportunities for wool classers and growers get to meet with buyers and talk without the pressure of a sale on the day.

Key note at the forum will be Livestock Biosecurity Network regional officer Patrick Kluver, who will give an outline of the critical areas to ensure sheep properties remain free of preventable production diseases.

Industry updates at the forum will cover the new wool packs, bale weight review, radio frequency identification (RFID), the code of practice review, wool classer re-registration and other AWEX initiatives.

The free forum will be held from 9am-noon at the Hamilton Golf Club, 170 Rippon Road, on Saturday, August 15. Morning tea will be provided. RSVP on (02) 9428 6100 or via email on [email protected]


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