IMPROVED demand for Australian wool spilled over to boost AuctionsPlus online sales last week.
AuctionsPlus’ Michael McManus said the 37-cent rise in the AWEX Eastern Market Indicator to 937c/kg clean and the low passed-in rate of 5.9 percent suggested that many buyers were looking to take advantage of the low market and fill forward orders to hedge their position.
AuctionsPlus’ online offer board had consistent usage last week with a total of 896 bales sold, including 103 bales sold in a late surge on Wednesday and Thursday.
The top-priced lot sold online was a 15.6 micron Merino fleece line that made 1245c/kg greasy, or 1753c/kg clean. The lot had an average staple length of 75mm and 3pc vegetable matter content. It was branded Blackbrush and offered by Australian Wool Network.
The 15 micron fleece wool offered sold to 1145c/kg greasy, or 1797c/kg clean, and the 16 micron wool made to 1150c/kg greasy, or 1616c/kg clean. The 17 micron lines sold to 1085c/kg greasy, or 1476c/kg clean, and the 18 micron fleece made to 910c/kg greasy, or 1240c/kg clean. The 19 micron wool made to 830c/kg greasy, or 1132c/kg clean, and the 20 micron fleece sold to 690c/kg greasy or 988c/kg clean.
Merino pieces sold to a top of 894c/kg greasy or 1563c/kg clean, and Merino bellies made to 650c/kg greasy, or 1292c/kg clean.