WESTERN Australian livestock industry stakeholders have been invited to a series of Foot and Mouth Disease preparedness forums across the state from next week.
The four regional in-person information forums on FMD disease preparedness will be back up by online resources provided by the host, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA.
The free forums will cover:
knowing the signs of FMD and lumpy skin disease (LSD)
what DPIRD is doing to prevent and prepare for a disease outbreak
what you can do to protect your livestock.
Event locations and times
Manjimup, Thursday, 11 August, 2-4pm, 37 Rose Street, Manjimup.
Cunderdin, Wednesday, 17 August, 2-4pm, Cunderdin Sport and Recreation Centre, 1 Lundy Avenue.
Katanning, Friday, 19 August, 2-4pm, DPIRD conference room, 10 Dore Street, Katanning.
Dandaragan, Tuesday, 23 August 2022, 2-4pm, Community Recreation Club, 3550 Dandaragan Road, Dandaragan.
If you are interested in attending, please register via the Eventbrite link here.
Additional FMD resources can be found here.
Or sign up to receive DPIRD’s FMD email updates click here.