WA’s DPIRD is offering agtech start-ups a unique online bootcamp experience.
WESTERN Australia’s agriculture and food start-ups and early-stage innovators are being given an opportunity to join a world-leading program in Israel – from their desktops.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is calling for applications from local businesses to take part in a ‘virtual bootcamp’, delivered by Austrade’s Tel Aviv Landing Pad.
The Tel Aviv Landing Pad is located at South of Salame (SOSA), a global innovation platform founded by Israeli investors and high-tech entrepreneurs.
DPIRD, Austrade and SOSA are partnering to support up to 10 qualified WA start-ups to attend the virtual bootcamp each afternoon from 22-25 June 2020.
DPIRD agribusiness, food and trade executive director Liam O’Connell said Israel is known as the start-up nation, and consistently ranked highly for innovation and entrepreneurship in many areas of technology and particularly in agriculture, food and water.
“Initially we had planned to support delegates to attend in person, but with the challenges COVID-19 has presented, the program has been reimagined and we are now bringing the Landing Pad to participants.
“This virtual program will connect participants with start-ups, mentors, investors, potential partners and others in Israel’s innovation ecosystem,” Mr O’Connell said.
“This is the first digital delivery format of a program for Australian start-ups from the Tel Aviv Landing Pad, and is being offered to Western Australia’s agtech and foodtech start-ups.”
Landing Pads manager Kathleen Lawler said Australian Landing Pads provide market-ready start-ups and scale-ups with access to some of the world’s most renowned hubs including San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Shanghai, Berlin and Singapore.
“While the impact of COVID-19 has limited our ability to travel internationally, it certainly hasn’t stopped us in our tracks,” Ms Lawler said.
“We’re activating new digital pathways to help Australian businesses reach global markets – including virtual bootcamps such as this one.”
The bootcamp is aimed at founders of WA-based innovators, early stage businesses or start-ups that are operating in the agtech and foodtech sectors.
It is part of a wider program by DPIRD to support the growth and commercialisation of the agtech sector.
Applications close 5pm (WST) Tuesday 2 June 2020. More information, including eligibility and guidelines click here.
Source: DPIRD.