
Weekly rainfall wrap + rain outlook, 4 September 2019

Bureau of Meteorology September 4, 2019

COLD fronts brought moderate falls to the south-west and south-east of Australia last week, while surface troughs and a low pressure system produced moderate to heavy falls along the central coast of New South Wales.

Past seven days: At the start of the week, a cold front tracked northeast across south-eastern Australia, and brought widespread light falls to south-eastern South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania, with moderate falls reported in southern central Victoria and western Tasmania. A surface trough stretching through inland Queensland to the central coast of New South Wales generated showers and isolated thunderstorms over northeastern New South Wales and south-east Queensland. A complex low pressure system developed along a trough located just off the east coast of New South Wales, with a second trough extending westward over the coast. The systems produced thunderstorms and enhanced shower activity from the Hunter District to the south coast district of New South Wales. Moderate to locally heavy falls were reported before the troughs and low weakened and tracked away from the coast by mid-week.

From the middle of the week, a pair of cold fronts with pre-frontal troughs approached and tracked across south-west Western Australia. Moderate falls were recorded across most of the west of the South West Land Division, and widespread light falls were reported in the southern Gascoyne, Goldfields, and Eucla districts in Western Australia. As the cold fronts tracked eastwards, light falls were recorded in south-eastern South Australia, most of Victoria, the Snowy Mountains in New South Wales, and western Tasmania. Another pair of cold fronts crossed south-west Western Australia at the end of the week and brought light to moderate falls across the South West Land Division. As the fronts tracked eastwards, further light falls were reported in south-east Australia.

Rainfall totals in excess of 150 mm were recorded in parts of the Hunter district in New South Wales, including the highest weekly total of 216 mm at Swansea (Catherine St).

Rainfall totals exceeding 100 mm were recorded in an area of south-west Western Australia, and along the central coast of New South Wales.

Rainfall totals in excess of 50 mm were recorded in parts of the south-west coast of Western Australia from just north of Perth to Walpole, along the central coast of New South Wales, and a small area in western Tasmania.

Rainfall totals between 10 mm and 50 mm were observed in remaining parts of the South West Land Division in Western Australia; far south-eastern South Australia; in the south-west and from southern central to northeastern Victoria; the western half and north-east of Tasmania; remaining areas in the central coast and adjacent inland districts, and north-eastern New South Wales; and in parts of south-eastern Queensland.

Little or no rainfall was recorded in remaining areas of Western Australia, the Northern Territory, South Australia away from the south coast, all of Queensland except in the south-east, New South Wales away from the coast, much of north-western Victoria, and in south-eastern Tasmania.

Highest weekly totals

New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory
216 mm Swansea (Catherine St)
205 mm Gosford AWS
197 mm Newcastle (Blacksmiths)
29 mmMonbulk (Spring Road)
28 mm Mount Baw Baw
25 mm Balmoral (Post Office)
35 mm Mount Joseph
29 mm Fraser Island, Eurong
22 mm Lindfield
Western Australia
122 mm Mount William
117 mm Mount Solus
116 mm Walpole Forestry
South Australia
21 mm RobeKingston SE
20 mm Robe Airfield, Cape Jaffa (The Limestone)
85 mm Mount Read
45 mm Zeehan
41 mm Lake Margaret Power Station, Queenstown (South Queenstown)
Northern Territory
0.2 mm Groote Eylandt Airport

Some elevated sites can be affected by snow and wind, and the true totals are most likely higher

Rainfall outlook:



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