
Weekly rainfall update + rainfall outlook 18 June 2024

Bureau of Meteorology June 18, 2024

In Western Australia, tropical moisture streamed from the north-west to the south-west throughout the week, bringing showers across the region and weekly totals between 10 to 50 mm in some areas. Cold fronts brought rain to the far south-west, including 55 mm at Cowaramup in the 24 hours to 9 am on the 17th.

Between 11 and 12 June, a cold front brought high rainfall to Tasmania, eastern Victoria and along the ranges in southern New South Wales. Most of western Tasmania, and part of the north-east, had weekly totals exceeding 50 mm.

Between 14 and 15 June a cut-off low brought between 5 to 50 mm across much of south-east South Australia and north-west Victoria, including a weekly total of  64.1 mm at Handorf in South Australia.

A large low pressure system in the Tasman Sea pushed showers onto the south-east coast, with weekly totals generally from 10 mm to more than 50 mm in some areas of New South Wales and far eastern Victoria.

There was little or no rainfall during the week for Queensland, the Northern Territory, most of Western Australia and South Australia, and inland New South Wales.

Perisher Valley AWS, New South Wales recorded the highest weekly total of 105.2 mm as well as the highest daily rainfall total of 96.6 mm in the 24 hours to 9 am on the 12th.




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