STORMS and heavy rain occurred across the northern tropics throughout the week, with weekly totals greater than 150 mm recorded in the far north-west of the Kimberley (Western Australia), and in parts of central Northern Territory and adjacent areas of north-west Queensland.
Within these areas, there were regions that received more than 200 mm for the week. Weekly totals greater than 150 mm were also recorded in coastal parts of Cape York Peninsula.
Weekly totals between 50 and 150 mm were recorded in the north of the Northern Territory, north-western Queensland, southern and central Cape York Peninsula, in parts of north-western Kimberly and north-western Tasmania.
The highest weekly total at a Bureau gauge was 415.2 mm at Alexandria in Northern Territory, including the highest daily total of 262.0 mm to 9am on 3 March.
Weekly totals between 10 and 50 mm were recorded in parts of western and north-western Western Australia, in most of Tasmania and eastern Victoria associated with the passage of a cold front late in the week, and in pockets of eastern Queensland and New South Wales.
Major flood warnings are current for Flinders River downstream of Richmond and Barron River in Queensland, while there are Moderate flood warnings for Eyre Creek (at the border between Queensland and Northern Territory) and Lower Daly River, Northern Territory.