A RAINFALL band that stretched across north-west into south-eastern Australia brought high weekly rainfall totals, with many daily and weekly records in northern and central Australia, and western Queensland.
There were weekly rainfall totals of 50 to 100 mm in the Kimberley district of Western Australia, much of the Northern Territory, western Queensland and western Tasmania, with some pockets of more than 100mm.
Weekly rainfall totals of 25 to 50 mm fell along northern Western Australia, central and southern Northern Territory, northern South Australia, and western Tasmania.
There were also weekly totals of 10 to 50 mm along the path of the rain band as well as in southern Western Australia.
The highest weekly total (at a bureau gauge) was 216.2 mm at Mount Read (TAS).
The highest daily rainfall total (at a bureau gauge) was 101.4 mm at New May Downs (Qld) to 9 am 3 July.