
WAFarmers announces new ‘stand-out’ chief executive officer

Sheep Central September 18, 2017

WAFarmers CEO Trent Kensett-Smith

WAFARMERS has appointed New South Wales-born agronomist Trent Kensett-Smith as its chief executive officer.

Mr Kensett-Smith’s appointment was announced last Friday at the annual Heart of WA gala, held at HBF Stadium.

Mr Kensett-Smith grew up on his family’s NSW mixed farm, which produced modest herds of cattle, ran sheep for prime lamb production and cropped irrigated crops and pasture.

He studied Science in Agriculture at Sydney University, and after a brief stint in horticulture, Mr Kensett-Smith jumped at the chance to work in broadacre agronomy and said he had “never looked back”.

“Through the ensuing 20-odd years, I have moved through roles with larger and smaller companies in the agribusiness sector on both sides of the country in locations including Dalwallinu, Melbourne, Hyden, Southern Cross and Narrogin.

“During this period, I worked to maintain my practical involvement in technical services and delivery of these to farmers,” he said.

“In 2005, I made a conscious decision to pursue agribusiness managerial positions where I have been fortunate enough to realise greater opportunities and gather some exceptional mentors to my side.”

“I am looking forward to moving ahead with WAFarmers and being part of the exciting times we as an industry and as individuals have in front of us.”

WAFarmers president Tony York said Mr Kensett-Smith was a stand-out applicant.

“Throughout the application process, Trent demonstrated outstanding leadership and problem-solving capabilities, and proved himself to be both knowledgeable of and compassionate towards the WA agricultural industry.

“With his local and inter-state experience in agriculture, we anticipate that he will drive the organisation forward with gusto and help us continue to work towards a more viable, profitable and sustainable future for the WA agricultural industry,” Mr York said.

Mr Kensett-Smith will begin his employment at WAFarmers on Tuesday September 26.

Source: WAFarmers.


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