VICTORIAN sheep and goat industry will have to wait a while longer to hear how the coming mandatory electronic tag identification system is to be funded, after a planned transition package announcement on a farm today was called off.
The postponement of the announcement is not being characterised as a delay and there is no indication that the published timeline for the sheep and goat EID system will need to be changed.
Victoria’s Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford said Agriculture Victoria had some feedback on the draft package from stakeholders. The last-minute feedback is believed to have come from the Victorian Farmers Federation.
“We just wanted a little bit more time to give that proper consideration.”
Mrs Pulford said the six weeks since the Victorian Government announced the state’s transition to an electronic National Livestock Identification System for sheep and goats, with participation from more than 400 stakeholders, 56 face-to-face meetings with key stakeholders and 46 written submissions.
“It has been a really detailed consultation with approximately 170 comments on aspects of the standards and of course we’ve continued to take soundings from anybody I run into, but more formally from the sheep identification advisory committee.”
Ms Pulford said the details of the transition package would be announced in the next few weeks.
“I understand everyone is really interested to see the final rules that will be applied, but we want to take account of some additional feedback that we’ve received to make sure we get this right for everybody.”
She said the additional feedback revolved a number of different aspects.
“Obviously tag is something a lot of people are interested in.
“The package though will reflect all of the different points of the supply chain.”
Proposed EID NLIS timeline – August – December 2016
Initial announcement August 24.
Consultation: standards and transition package
September 2016 – 2018
Industry education, support and training
Transition package announced
October 2016 – 2018
Transition package
Approved standards implemented
January – December 2017
January 1 2017 commencement date
Lambs tagged prior to movement
Scanning requirements at saleyards and abattoirs
2018 onwards
Continued implementation
Property to property recording
Click here to view a timeline graphic.