
VFF launches Making Our Farms Safer website

Sheep Central January 31, 2022

VFF president Emma Germano.

A ONE-STOP farm safety hub website — Making Our Farms Safer — has been launched by the Victorian Farmers Federation.

Victorian Farmers Federation president Emma Germano said the website launch would complement the Making Our Farms Safer project.

“Keeping ourselves, our family members, and employees safe on our farms is of the most crucial importance in our businesses.

“This website aims to act as a one-stop information hub for farm safety information,” she said.

“We are fortunate to be providing this free service to not only VFF Members, but to all Victorian farmers as part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to address safety and skill development in the agricultural sector.”

The Making Our Farms Safer project was launched in April 2020. It provides dedicated safety specialists offering support, up-skilling and guidance to Victorian farmers. It is delivered through the provision of farm visits, community meetings, a monthly newsletter and a toolkit of handbooks and resources to assist and educate farmers on implementing and maintaining safety on their farms.

VFF senior farm Safety advisor John Darcy said the federation is 100 percent committed to making the industry safer.

“We want to be the best, most trusted source in the industry, we want to provide Farmers with a positive, educational and constructive process.”

“Working alongside fellow farm safety advisor Richard Versteegen, we will travel to any farm in Victoria to offer our expertise,” Mr Darcy said.

Visit the Making Our Farms Safer website at or to engage with a farm safety advisor call 1300 882 833 or email [email protected]

Source: VFF.


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