Export Lamb

US and UAE help Australian lamb exports break records

Sheep Central March 21, 2016

Export beef 1 shippingLAMB exports from Australia have broken volume and value records in January, led by more higher value shipments to the United States and the United Arab Emirates.

Meat & Livestock Australia said lamb exports returned $131.5 million (free on board) during January 2016 – up 19 percent on the same time last year, and 59pc higher than the five-year average.

The shipment total of 17,481 tonnes was a record high volume for January and value according to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Global Trade Atlas.

MLA said further supporting the value of lamb exports in January was the lower A$, which averaged US70 cents for the month – down 11 cents year-on-year.

Values of US and UAE shipments lift

Lamb exports to the US in January generated $49.1 million – 42pc higher than the corresponding period last year and more than double the five-year average, with a 23pc year-on-year lift in volume for the month, MLA said.

The value of Australian lamb shipments to the UAE reached $13.6 million – an increase of 34pc on the same time last year and 84pc above the five-year average. The lamb unit price to the UAE averaged A$7.30/kg – up 2pc year-on-year.

MLA said lamb exports to China registered a 15pc decline in value in January, compared to last year, at $8.7 million. This was also 2pc lower than the five-year average for the month. Volumes to China were actually up 11pc year-on-year in January to 2249 tonnes.

Markets which recorded year-on-year export value growth in value in January also included Japan with an increase of 21pc to $6.6 million; the UK increasing 9pc to $6.5 million; Jordan rising 4pc to $4.5 million and Papua New Guinea lifting 16pc to $3.3 million.

Lamb export values to Bahrain, which were affected by the removal of a subsidy for Australian sheep meat, fell 67pc to $1.3 million, and dropped 6pc into Malysia to $2 million.

Sources: MLA, ABS, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.


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