A PRIME lamb liveweight on-farm grid has been launched by exporter Thomas Foods International across eastern Australia.
TFI national small stock manager Paul Leonard said the grid offer is for 325c/kg liveweight on farm for second cross lambs 47kg-plus with 5c/kg less for first cross lambs for delivery on 15 November.
“We are happy to take lambs from south-east South Australia, Victoria and southern New South Wales.”
He said the benefits to producers include no freight or penalties as for normal abattoir deliveries, and payment is within seven days. The lambs are being delivered to its Tamworth plant in New South Wales.
“This allows for more transparency and you get paid for what you produce, which is no different to how a lot of people are selling store lambs or feeder cattle now.
“The producers also have no risks with deaths or condemns.”
The grid price for loads averaging over 65kg average lamb liveweight is 10c/kg less than the base second cross and first cross lamb price.
Second cross lambs at this time of the year could be expected to yield from 43-48 percent. Under the liveweight grid, a second cross lamb weighing 50kg lwt would gross $162.50 on farm.
All lambs must be curfewed for 24 hours prior to loading and trucks are to be weighed at the nearest registered B-double weigh bridge.
Western Australian kill and store lambs are often bought on a liveweight price for trucking to eastern states processors and Mr Leonard said TFI did do some liveweight purchasing of lambs last year.
For more details click here.