
Strong online wool buying activity as AWEX EMI rises to 1320c/kg mark

Sheep Central July 12, 2016

Wooltrade logoSTRONG online buyer activity followed the strengthening physical market last week, as the AWEX Eastern Market Indicator broke through the 1300c/kg clean mark for the first time since early August.

Wooltrade market operations supervisor Tom Rookyard said 542 bales were sold online last week as the EMI gained 23 cents to close at 1320c/kg in the opening week of the 2016-17 selling season.

Mr Rookyard said the top-priced lot this week was a three-bale 17.5 micron line of Merino fleece offered by Fox & Lillie Wool Brokers and branded Aston that sold for 1567c/kg clean or 1150c/kg greasy. The line had an average staple length of 87mm, with a yield of 73.4 percent, a tensile strength of 35 Newtons/kilotex and 0.2pc vegetable matter content.

A seven-bale line of 16.8 micron fleece sold for 1565c/kg clean, or 1160c/kg greasy. This line yielded 74.1pc, with a staple length of 78mm, a tensile strength of 41N/kt and 1.3pc vm.

A five-bale line of 18.3 micron wool that yielded 73.7pc, with an average staple length of 97mm, a tensile strength of 31N/kt and 0.4pc vm sold for 1540c/kg clean, or 1135c/kg greasy.

A three-bale line of 19 micron wool sold for 1528c/kg clean, or 1160c/kg greasy. The line yielded 75.9pc, was 96mm long, with a tensile strength of 51N/kt and 0.5pc vm.

An 11-bale line of 20 micron Merino fleece made 1480c/kg clean, or 860c/kg greasy, with a yield of 58.1pc, a staple length of 88mm, tensile strength of 35N/kt and 1pc vm.

Three bales of 21.2 micron wool with a yield of 65.4pc, a staple length of 72mm, tensile strength of 48N/kt and 1pc vm sold for 1483c/kg clean, or 970c/kg greasy.

A nine-bale line of 23 micron Merino fleece sold for 1446c/kg clean, or 1070c/kg greasy. The line yielded 74pc, with a mean staple length of 106mm, a tensile strength of 38N/kt and 0.1pc vm.

In the crossbred section, a five-bale line of 24.5 micron fleece sold for 996c/kg, or 725c/kg greasy. It yielded 72.8pc, with a staple length of 68mm, a tensile strength of 45N/kt and 0.3pc vm.

Mr Rookyard said this is the final week of selling in the physical auction centres before the traditional three-week July recess break.

“No doubt supply constraints over the three weeks will continue to impact on the market.

“In addition to this, ongoing rain across New South Wales and Victoria is slowing shearing and adding to the slowdown in receivals,” he said.

“The market should maintain similar levels last week.

“However the exchange rate could throw a spanner in the works and will probably again dictate the closing levels.”

Click here to see the latest Wooltrade Top Prices Summary.

Source: Wooltrade.


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