SHEEP buyers paid up to $253 for first cross ewe lambs and $251 for future Merino breeders in a bigger AuctionsPlus offering online last week.
AuctionsPlus offered 100,727 sheep and lambs in six commercial sales, 17, 895 more than the previous week, and including about 9000 store lambs.
AuctionsPlus said buyer demand lacked the intensity of the previous week, and the clearance rate at auction dropping by 14 percent to total 64pc. This resulted in a fluctuating and slightly cheaper market across most offerings, consistent with wider interstate market trends from the week.
Merino ewe hoggets to $251
Merino ewe lamb prices fell to average $135 and range from $105-$166. The top price was paid for 270 August shorn, May-June 2017-drop Borambil blood lambs from Narrandera, NSW weighing 40.1kg lwt. They were early August shorn and mainly 2.
Merino ewe hoggets sold well to keen bidding, averaging $189, an increase of $19 from last week. The top price of $251 was paid for 432 17-18 month-old early August-shorn unjoined Merino ewe hoggets weighing 43.8kg lwt at Epping Forest in Tasmania. At Hay in New South Wales, 620 18-19 month-old scanned in lamb early October shorn Merino ewes weighing 60.1kg sold for $241.
Older and mixed age Merino ewe prices held firm at $90-$218 to average $148. At Warren in NSW, 543 1.5-7.5 year-old early October shorn Merino ewes sold for $218. They weighed 64.8kg lwt, were mostly score 3 and scanned 100pc in lamb to the Border Leicester. A line of 690 three year-old mid-February shorn Merino ewes scanned 135pc in lamb to the White Suffolk made $206. They weighed 46.3kg and were mostly score 1.
Merino wether lambs sold from $70 to $114.50 for an average of $102. The top-priced line of 720 unshorn August-September drop Egelabra blood lambs, weighing 16.5kg cwt and mostly score 2, were yarded at Nyngan, NSW.
Grown Merino wethers sold from $102-$135.50, to hold their value with an average of $114. The top price was attained by 290 14-15 month-old October shorn Cottage Park blood wethers weighing 20.1kg cwt and mostly score 3 at Berridale, NSW.
First cross ewe lambs to $253, ewes to $271
First cross ewe lambs were well represented with larger lines listed in NSW and Victoria. Prices ranged from $120-$253. At Mendooran in NSW, a line of 10-11 month-old lambs made the top price. They weighed 61.9kg lwt, were mostly score 3 and mid-November shorn. At Trangie in NSW, 160 February-March drop first cross ewe lambs sold for $206. They weighed 47.6kg lwt, were mostly score 3 and early December shorn.
Young first cross ewes sold well to average $201 and ranged from $120-$271. The top-priced line of 117 20-21 month-old early December shorn unjoined ewes weighed 63.1kg, were mostly score 4 and were yarded at Great Western in Victoria. A line of 250 2.5-5.5 year-old early August shorn joined first cross ewes at Canowindra in NSW sold for $252 and another 400 made $252. They weighed 75.6kg, were mostly score 4, and scanned 164pc in lamb to the Poll Dorset.
Dorper-Australian White ewes sell for $210
Crossbred ewe highlights included the sale of 210 2-3 year-old second cross White Dorper-Autsrlaian White ewes at Nyngan, NSW, for $210.50. The 63.6kg score 2 ewes were scanned 100pc in lamb to Australian White rams. A line of 600 May-June drop unshorn SAMM ewe lambs at Ivanhoe NSW sold for $190.
Other lamb prices included:
- 340 Poll Dorset/ Merino m/s suckers, Aug/ Sept ’17 drop, from Mudgee, NSW sold for $122 or 372 c/kg lwt
- 190 Border Leister/ Merino ewe lambs, May/Jun ‘17 drop, from Great Western VIC sold for $182 or 500c/kg
- 680 Poll Merino/ Merino woolgrower wether lambs, Aug/sept ’17 drop, from Port Augusta SA sold for $90 or 357 c/kg.
- 190 Dorset/ Composite m/s lambs, Aug/Sep drop, from Richmond, Southern TAS sold for $129 or 282 c/kg.
- 850 Merino store wether lambs, Jul/Aug drop, from Broken Hill, Western NSW sold for $90 or 329 c/kg.
- 1000 Merino woolgrower wether lambs, Aug/Sep ’17 drop, from Dirranbandi, Southern QLD sold for $99.5 or 318 c/kg.
- 175 Southdown/ Poll Dorset/ Merino mixed sex store lambs, May/Jun ’17 drop, from Kingscote, Kangaroo Island SA sold for $121.50 or 338 c/kg.
- 375 Merino future breeder ewe lambs, Jul/Aug ’17 drop, from Mildura, North West VIC sold for $118 or 502 c/kg.
- 540 Poll Dorset/ Merino m/s store lambs, Aug/Sep ’17 drop, from Thallon, Southern QLD sold for $105 or 345 c/kg
Source: AuctionsPlus.