
Sheepmeat council seeks bi-partisan support on market access, innovation and costs

Sheep Central June 27, 2016

Sheepmeat Council of Australia logoAUSTRALIA’S top sheep meat industry body has called for bi-partisan federal election commitments build market access, support innovation and reduce on-farm costs for producers.

The Sheepmeat Council of Australia today called on all political parties and independents to declare commitments to Australian sheep meat producers during the federal election campaign.

The council today released its 2016 federal election priorities, urging all political parties to put global business first, support innovation and work for a level playing field for sheep meat producers.

SCA president and WA sheep producer Jeff Murray said the priorities, which are closely aligned with the National Farmers Federation election priorities, urged parties to commit to action on the three key priority focus areas to ensure the industry’s continued sustainable growth.

“It is imperative for the nation’s political parties and independents to continue to build market access, support innovation and reduce on-farm costs for Australia’s sheep meat producers,” ee said.

Mr Murray said the sheep meat industry’s federal election priorities have been developed following consultation with the Sheepmeat Council’s state member organisations.

“The consultation process highlighted the significance these three key priority areas represented to the whole industry.

“The SCA welcomes the Coalition’s recent agricultural policy election commitments including progress on Q-Fever R&D, Invasive Animals Solutions, the Livestock Global Assurance Program and  industry leadership capacity as a step in the right direction, but emphasises the pressing need for further bi-partisan action,” Mr Murray said.

“With the proper policy framework in place, Australia’s sheep meat industry stands to create vast numbers of jobs for Australians during the economic transition away from mining.

“The sheep meat industry has always been a cornerstone of the national economy and looking forward there are huge opportunities for job creation from capitalising on growing global demand for protein,” he said.

“Facing such great opportunities, it has never been more important for all sides of politics to recommit to the industry and provide the appropriate policy responses to our election priorities.”

The SCA said more than 39,000 Australian businesses derive income from sheep meat production, generating about $5 billion of off-farm meat value to the Australian economy.

The Australian sheep meat industry competes within a highly competitive global marketplace with over 50 percent of lamb production and over 90pc of mutton production exported each year, the council said.

Click this link to read the SCA 2016 Federal Election Priorities.

Source: Sheepmeat Council of Australia.


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