
Sheep pregnancy scanning webinar is a profit opportunity

Terry Sim February 16, 2015

Ewes and lambs 2Landholders in the central west NSW, across Australia and overseas can learn more about the value of pregnancy scanning ewes in a webinar on February 25 at 1pm.

The webinar Scanning for Success will aim to reinforce the mechanics and logistics of ewe pregnancy scanning, and emphasise the importance of the practice for lamb survival.

This webinar is hosted by Sheep Connect NSW in partnership with Central West Local Land Services. It is the second in a series of webinars to keep sheep producers up-to-date with the latest information and advice.

Webinar is an opportunity to boost profitability

Local Land Services Livestock Officer, David Trengove said the webinar format means the information goes directly to people who are interested.”

Sheep Connect NSW Cc-ordinator Shelly Anderson said that sheep producers who don’t scan their ewes are missing out on a valuable opportunity to boost farm profitability through increases in lambing percentages.

“Producers are more easily able to monitor the reproductive performance of their ewes through scanning results and make sound management decisions as a result.

“Lamb losses can be reduced by targeting the nutrition of both single and twin-bearing ewes, and losses occurring from mid-pregnancy to lambing can be more easily identified.”

Simple actions can lift lamb survival

The webinar will be presented by Chris Shands who offers a wealth of knowledge and experience in the area of ewe management. It will also include a video featuring Andrew Naylor (Belubula Scanning) that will demonstrate and discuss the mechanics of successful scanning and factors that may affect accuracy.

“Relatively simple action can lift lamb survival and flock efficiency through targeted nutrition and lambing management.

“Pregnancy scanning allows greater control of the flock during the lambing time,” Mr Shands said.

To register to attend the webinar, or for further information, please contact Sheep Connect NSW via email at [email protected] or log on to the events calendar at

Source: SheepConnect NSW


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