SHEEP meat producers with concerns about uncompetitive practices in markets have been urged to make submissions to an Australian Competition and Consumer Commission study.
After attending the first meeting of the ACCC’s Agricultural Advisory Committee today, Sheepmeat Council of Australia chief executive officer Mark Harvey-Sutton said the ACCC Agriculture Unit will welcome information from the broader red meat industry to inform its market study, including sheep meat producers.
The market study into the cattle and beef, and sheep meat, industries, is examining competition, efficiency, transparency and trading issues across the supply chain.
“I would encourage any sheep meat producers who have concerns about uncompetitive practices in the market to either make a submission to be considered as part of the market study, attend the regional forums planned for the study, or to contact the ACCC’s agriculture unit or the SCA directly,” Mr Harvey-Sutton said.
The market study’s forums start in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland
Mr Harvey-Sutton attended the first meeting of the ACCC’s Agricultural Advisory Committee today to discuss its task and role as a conduit between industry and the commission on competition issues.
“The ACCC Agricultural Advisory Committee is a positive development in ensuring producers are on a level playing field in the agricultural marketplace.
“I commend ACCC agricultural commissioner Mick Keogh and the agriculture unit for their work,” he said.
Mr Harvey-Sutton said a key point of clarification at today’s meeting was around the market study currently being undertaken by the ACCC Agriculture Unit into the cattle and beef industries and whether sheep meat producers can contribute to this process.
After the consultation forums in June and July this year, the draft findings will be published in late September 2016, with a consultation period in October. The final report is scheduled for late November 2016.
More information about the ACCC’s Agriculture Unit Market Study including the forums scheduled for June 2016 can be found at
The ACCC has released an issues paper to assist interested parties in making submissions to the ACCC’s cattle and beef market, and sheep meat, study. The paper contains information about how to make submissions and key dates for the market study, details about what will be covered in the market study and issues on which the agriculture unit is seeking comment.
Submissions to the market study will not be published on the ACCC website. The ACCC will accept confidentiality claims over all or part/s of submissions. The ACCC will also accept anonymous submissions. More information on the treatment of confidential submissions is available in the issues paper.
The consultation forums will inform the market study, examining competition, efficiency, transparency and trading issues across the supply chain. Their purpose is to hear directly from farmers and other people in the cattle and beef, and sheep meat, industries about competition and fair trading issues that concern them. Attendees will have the opportunity to raise their concerns directly with ACCC commissioners.
Anyone who has an issue to raise, but is unable to attend a forum, is encouraged to contact the Market Study team. Contact details and further information on the market study are available at
Any interested parties are welcome to attend the forums.
Tuesday June 7 2016, 1pm-3.30pm, Wodonga Football & Sports Club, Vermont Street, Wodonga, VIC
Friday June 10 2016, 9.30am-12pm, City Golf Club, 254 South Street, Towoomba, QLD
Monday June 20 2016, 11.30am-2pm, Mt Gambier RSL, 16 Sturt Street, Mount Gambier, SA
Friday June 24 2016, 12pm-2.30pm, Sporties Dubbo Bowling Club, 101-103 Erskine Street, Dubbo, NSW
Friday July 1 2016, 9.30am-12pm, Bunbury Trotting Club, Donaldson Park, Milligan Street, Bunbury, WA
You can register to attend by following the link below, or contacting the ACCC at [email protected] (link sends e-mail).
To provide a submission over the phone, please contact:
Sheridan de Kruiff (link sends e-mail) (07) 3835 4681 |
Braeden Smith (link sends e-mail) (02) 6243 4936 |