
Sheep Genetics releases list of changes and timelines

Sheep Central October 23, 2020

AUSTRALIA’S Sheep Genetics platform has released a long list of recent and planned updates to its search site following widespread criticism.

On 15 October, the sheep genetic evaluation service owned by Meat & Livestock Australia outlined a number of updates coming to the new-look Sheep Genetics search site, include a timeline of what can be expected and when.

Since the release of the new-look Sheep Genetics search site in August 2020, the SG team have been working on further enhancements to the platform.

Although the initial changes to the website included faster loading times (three times), more targeted search more targeted search functionality, broad device accessibility and better navigation and integration with direct referral sites such as AuctionsPlus, many users requested further changes.

Meat & Livestock Australia director and South Australian sheep breeder Andrew Michael said there had been concern by producers and breeders who had been great supporters of Sheep Genetics, but he was confident the proposed changes will be implemented within the stated timelines.

Mr Michael said Sheep Genetics had taken feedback from commercial sheep producers, stud breeders and service providers.

He said with COVID-19 and the changes to the Sheep Genetics site, the expected benefits from the SG data will be better utilised in the future. Mr Michael is hopeful MLA will put out some comparisons showing the benefits of linking SG and AuctionsPlus data.

Sheep Genetics site changes already implemented

The SG update list released on 15 October said features implemented the week before included:

faster loading times when exporting results to Excel

update to email and/or website links in listed sale and semen catalogues

fix to duplicate dam IDs appearing on pen cards

sale catalogues will no longer move to the ‘past sales’ section early

fix to the ‘semen available’ filter

fix to the ‘load more’ function in searches and catalogues

improved logo sizing on pen cards

fix to search with multiple ASBV filters

fix to the search time-out for individual IDs

fix to pen card creation time-out for large catalogues.

fix to caching issue when searching for individual animals using 16-digit IDs and flock names.

Other updates to be implemented by the end of October include:

delete saved search functionality

search time-out messages.

Medium-term changes in next six months

The following features are expected to be implemented within the next six months:

customised ASBVs on sale and semen catalogues

customise ASBVs button for mobile

ability to sort catalogues by lot number

ability to view semen catalogues on mobile devices

implementation of an MLP filter and tags for sires used in the project

ability to rename saved searches

export button available when not logged in

error validation of catalogue uploads

ability to add multiple flock codes to a search

new information sheet generated with pen cards

improved flagging of animals for sale or with semen available.

Long-term enhancements within two years

The following search site features are expected to be implemented over the next one to two years:

printable and customisable percentile band table

ability to view and export more traits and animals on a single page

ability to export the individual animal page and the pedigree as a PDF

ability to export searches as a PDF

ability to view and export sire and dam pedigree in a search

ability to view 16-digit ID in a search

ability to create multi-vendor sale catalogues

ability to export searches to email and social media

further on-boarding information on mobile devices.


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