
Sheep and lamb prices lift as AuctionsPlus offerings drop

Sheep Central July 22, 2019

SHEEP and lamb numbers on the AuctionsPlus online platform dropped sharply last week, but prices in most categories increased.

The offering dropped by more than 17,000 to 43,255 sheep and lambs, down from the previous week’s listing of about 61,000 head.

AuctionsPlus’ Matt Cotton said the lower supply online helped increase clearance, with 78 percent of the offering selling.

Crossbred lamb and Merino wether lamb prices continue their upward trend, with clearances holding firm on last week. A drier than average August to October is likely for large parts of the country, which will likely further hinder supply, Mr Cotton said.

Merino ewe lambs lift $14 to $210

Merino ewe lambs sold from $139 to $210, to average $183, up $14 on the previous week. The top priced lot was a line of 47kg, Glenwood blood future breeder ewe lambs from Wellington, NSW. The lambs have a 2” skin and found a buyer across the border in Meribah, SA. Merino ewe hoggets were in tight supply this week, with all 940 head finding buyers. Prices ranged from $145 to $244 and averaged $190, up $11 on last week. The top price went to a line of 41kg NSM Hazeldean blood ewes from Hay, NSW. The ewes are 13-14 months old, have a 2.8” skin and are crossing the southern border to Ouyen, VIC. Young breeders aged 2-4 years sold from $116 to $213 and averaged $173. The top price went to a line of 2.8-2.9 year old SIL ewes from Tumbarumba, NSW. The ewes are bred from Pastora bloodlines, have been joined to Pastora rams and found a buyer in Yerong Creek, NSW.

Merino wether lambs in demand

Merino wether lambs once again saw strong demand, finding an 87pc clearance. Prices ranged from $100 to $156.5 and averaged $129, up $13 on last week. The top price went to a line of Avonside blood lambs from Bombala, NSW. The lambs are September 18 drop, weigh 18kgs dressed and sold for 865c/kg dressed to a buyer in Stawell, Victoria. Wether hoggets and grown wethers sold from $116 to $154 to average $132. The top price went to a line of Wealla Poll blood export wethers from Narromine, NSW. The wethers are 3 years old, weigh 59kgs and are heading to Dubbo, NSW.

Unjoined first cross ewe lambs sell to $235

Unjoined first cross ewe lambs sold from $150 to $235, to average $190. The top priced lot was a line of 48kg lambs from Mendooran, NSW. The lambs have been bred from Glenalvie Border Leicester stud rams, and are on their way to Cootamundra, NSW. NSM first cross ewe hoggets sold from $242 to $280 and averaged $267, up $35 on last week. From Nyngan, NSW, 2 lines of 12-13-month-old ewe hoggets found this top price. The ewes are sired by Dunield & Whitewood stud rams, weigh 57kgs and found buyers in Lake Cargelligo and Wongarbon, NSW.

To other breeds, where two line of SIL Primeline ewe lambs from Narromine, NSW sold for $280 or 509c/kg. The lambs weigh 55kgs and found a buyer in South Australia. White Suffolk SIL ewes from Jamestown, SA sold for $240. The ewes are 22-34 months old, weigh 92kgs and will be remaining in Jamestown.

Processor search for lamb value

With supply stresses across the country, and record saleyard prices, processors have been looking online to find value. Mr Cotton said examples included White Suffolk/Composite mixed sex suckers, weighing 24kg dressed at Duluce, VIC, selling to a Victorian processor for $229 or 935c/kg dressed and Merino wether lambs from Aramac, QLD selling for $130.5 or 759c to another Victorian processor.

AuctionsPlus offered 7680 store lambs last week, down 900 on last. Highlights included:

  • Mar/Apr-19, 29kg White Suffolk/Merino mixed sex suckers from Peak Hill, NSW selling for $163 or 570c/kg live
  • Mar/Apr-19, 29kg Poll Dorset/Merino mixed sex suckers from Peak Hill, NSW selling for $165 or 567c/kg live
  • Feb/Apr-19, 29kg White Suffolk/Merino mixed sex suckers from Forbes, NSW selling for $119 or 551c/kg live
  • Mar/Apr-19, 36kg Poll Dorset/Border Leicester/Merino mixed sex suckers from Elong Elong, NSW selling for $132 or 521c/kg live


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