
Sheep and goat EID property-to-property transfer workshops announced

Sheep Central February 9, 2018

ELECTRONIC property-to-property transfer requirements for sheep and goats under Victoria’s new traceability system will be outlined in a series of workshops across the state in February and March.

Agriculture Victoria said the workshops across the state will help producers and livestock agents boost Victoria’s traceability system.

From March 31 2018 property-to-property movements of electronically tagged sheep and goats in Victoria must be recorded on the National Livestock Identification System database by the person receiving them.

Agriculture Victoria program manager for meat and wool Kate Linden said producers and livestock agents play a vital part in Victoria’s livestock traceability system.

“We are keen to ensure everyone gets a strong handle on the new requirements, therefore workshops have been arranged across the state.

“Victoria has valuable livestock industries, exporting products worth $6.7 billion per year, with sheep meat and wool products worth more than $2.5 billion,” Ms Linden said.

“These industries are essential parts of our rural and regional communities and their ongoing prosperity relies on having effective traceability systems to underpin confidence in our products and to maintain access to local and international markets.”

Topics will include:

 Understanding traceability and the need for an electronic identification system

 Requirements of property to property movement recording for sheep and goat producers under the electronic NLIS

 Learning how to transfer livestock from one property to another using the NLIS database

 Where to access help

 Question and answer session.

Ms Linden said following each workshop, Agriculture Victoria staff will be on-hand to assist producers with accessing or using their NLIS database account.

Click on the following link to see when and where the workshops are being held. Please register online at

If you require assistance with registering please phone (03) 5761 1647 or email [email protected]

Source: Agriculture Victoria.


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