These young scanned in-lamb first cross ewes at Warren in NSW sold for $253 on AuctionsPlus last week.
SCANNED in-lamb ewes carrying multiple lambs continued to sell for premiums on AuctionsPlus last week, with Merino ewes selling to $272 and first cross ewe hoggets to $253.
As sporadic scatted showers continued off the eastern states of Australia, sheep and lamb numbers held steady online to total 83,411 head, 15,000 less than last week.
However, AuctionsPlus market operations supervisor Tom Rookyard said there was still strong interest across all sales, with 487 registered users logged into the sheep sales.
Scanned in-lamb Merino ewes to $272
Mixed age and proven Merino breeders averaged $129 from a range of $48.50 to a top of $272 for 273 3.5-6.5 year-old early August shorn ewes at Deniliquin, New South Wales. The ewes were scanned 149pc in-lamb to Poll Merino rams, weighed from 68-74.9kg and were mostly in score 3 condition. Merino ewes from 2.5-4 years-old averaged $143 and ranged from $77 up to $204.
A line of 440 SAMM-Merino ewe hoggets scanned 89pc in-lamb to the Poll Dorset sold for $251 at Goolgowi in NSW. The 22-23 month-old late August shorn ewes weighed 82.8kg and were mostly score 4.
Young Merino ewes sold to a top price of $233 for 294 21-22 month-old early August shorn hoggets at Woodstock On Loddon in Victoria. The mob was scanned 97pc in-lamb to Merino rams, weighed an average of 57.7kg lwt and were mostly score 3. Merino hoggets averaged $140 within the $100.50-$233 range.
Other Merino highlights last week included 108 16-17 month-old early May shorn unjoined ewes at Cooma in NSW that sold for $188. The ewes weighed 51.7kg lwt and were mostly score 2.
Merino wether lambs this week averaged $95 and sold from $57 up to $140 for 250 August-September drop mid-February shorn lambs at Avenell in Victoria. The 37.5kg lwt lambs were mostly score 1. Merino wether hoggets averaged $101, and sold from $89-$114.
Scanned in-lamb first cross ewes to $253
Mr Rookyard said a smaller offering of first cross ewes on AuctionsPlus last week failed to waver buyer interest.
First cross ewe hoggets averaged $219.50 and sold from $184 up to $253 for 420 18-19 month-old ewes scanned in-lamb 200pc to Poll Dorse3t and White Suffolk rams. The ewe lambs weighed 65.9kg and were mostly score 4.
First cross ewe lambs averaged $145, ranging from $112.50 up to $190 for 450 March-May drop lambs at Dubbo in NSW. The 51.3kg lwt score 3 lambs were mid-January shorn and scanned empty.
Store lamb highlights

These Poll Dorset-Composite lambs sold for $125 at Coolac, NSW, on AuctionsPlus last week.
Poll Dorset/Composite mixed sex store lambs, 300, 40kg lwt, $125, Coolac, NSW.
Poll Dorset cross mixed sex store lambs, 445, 38kg, $122.50, Cooma, NSW.
Poll Dorset cross mixed sex store lambs, 410, 38.1kg, $121.50, Coleraine, Victoria.
Poll Dorset cross mixed sex store lambs, 329, 36.1kg, $121, Goulburn, NSW.
Poll Dorset cross mixed sex lambs, 260, 37.4kg, $120, Weabonga, NSW.
White Suffolk cross mixed sex lambs, 225, 42.2kg, $120, Avoca, Tasmania.
Dohne wether lambs, 717, 43.4kg, $111, Deniliquin, NSW.
Source: AuctionsPlus.