
Scanned in-lamb Merino ewes sell to $265 on AuctionsPlus

Sheep Central May 8, 2017

These scanned in-lamb ewes sold for $265 at Holbrook, NSW, on AuctionsPlus last week.

SCANNED in-lamb Merino ewes sold to $265 on AuctionsPlus last week, as sheep and lamb numbers listed online increased 3114 to 33,600 head.

AuctionsPlus said buyer interest was strong, with 410 bidders logging on and 87 percent of lines being sold.

Merino ewe lambs averaged $159, with a top price of $175.50 paid for 350 June/July 2016 drop early-November shorn Tanternaning blood lambs at Bridgewater On Loddon in Victoria. The lambs weighed 44-49kg lwt and were mostly score 2 in body condition.

Young Merino ewes under two years old sold to $235 and averaged $191.80. The top price was paid for 150 1.5-2-year-old San Mateo blood early-November shorn ewes at Bridgewater On Loddon in Victoria. They weighing 51.4 kg and were mostly score 2.

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Merino ewes with good scanning results sell well

Older 2.5-3.5 year-old Merino ewes made to $265; paid for 361 late-November shorn Woodpark blood ewes at Holbrook in New South Wales. The ewes were scanned 154 percent in-lamb to Poll Dorset rams. They weighed 55.7kg lwt and were mostly score 2.

Merino ewes from 3-4 years-old averaged $136.50 and sold to $151 for a small line of 33 mid-January shorn Poll Merino ewes at Lameroo in South Australia joined to Poll Merino rams. They weighed 60.3kg and were mostly score 4.

Older proven Merino breeders averaged $164 last week and made to $251; paid for 450 4.5-5 year-old Woodpark blood late-November shorn ewes at Holbrook in NSW. The ewes were scanned in-lamb 164pc to Poll Dorset rams, They 56.7kg lwt and were mostly score 3.

Aged Merino ewes averaged $128 and sold to $180 for 488 early-January shorn Severn Park blood 6.5-6.6 year olds at Cooma in NSW. They were scanned 154pc in-lamb to Poll Dorset rams, weighed 70kg and were mostly score 3.

Producers listed 7850 Merino wether lambs in 17 lots online last week and these averaged $112.85. The top price of $128 was paid for 1300 5-7 month-old unshorn lambs that weighed in at 15.3kg cwt and score 1 at Dirranbandi in Queensland.

Store lambs sell to $150

These Southdown cross lambs, 23kg cwt, at Campbell Town in Tasmania sold for $150 on AuctionsPlus last week.

Store lambs sold to $150 for 205 July-August crop late-December shorn Southdown cross mixed sex lambs at Campbell Town in Tasmania. The lambs averaged 23kg cwt and were mostly score 3. Other 37-51kg lwt lambs sold from $118 and averaged $136 or 327c/kg lwt. The 22-30kg lwt lambs listed made $95-$129.50, to average $109 or 387c/kg lwt, and the 31-36kg lines sold for $115.50-$132.50, to average $127 or 367c/kg lwt.

The top price for lambs in Queensland last week was the $136.50 paid for 508 unshorn White Suffolk/Merino cross mixed sex lambs at Dirranbandi that weighed 16kg cwt and were mostly score 1.

First cross ewe lambs had a healthy average of $191 and sold to $217 for 270 unjoined 10-11 month-old mid-December shorn lambs at Forbes in NSW. The lambs weighed 59.3kg lwt and were mostly score 3 and 4.

Young first cross breeders averaged $249 last week, and sold to $283 for a small line of 67 18-20 month-old late-October shorn ewes at Lake Bolac in Victoria. The vendor bred ewes weighed 61kg and were mostly score 4.

Older first cross ewes sold to $245 for 175 early-September shorn three year-old ewes at Collingullie in NSW. The ewes were station-mated to Poll Dorset rams, weighed 64.3kg lwt and were mostly score 3.

A producer saw some breeding value in a line of heavy 11-12 month-old White Suffolk-Merino cross lambs at Barham in NSW that were scanned 136pc in-lamb to White Suffolk rams and sold for $255.50. The 290 early-November shorn ewes weighed 59.8kg lwt and were mostly score 3 and 4.

A line of 341 mid-February shorn unjoined 7-8 month-old composite ewe lambs at Jerilderie, NSW, sold for $180 last week. They weighed 58.1kg lwt and were mostly score 3.

NLRS indicators firm to slightly lower

The National Livestock Reporting Service’s eastern state indicators for lambs and mutton closed last week mostly firm, apart from the light and restocker lambs which were slightly lower. The Eastern States Daily Indicators for restocker lambs was still 209c/kg higher than at the same time last year and all other lamb category indicators were 108-146c/kg higher.

After saleyard sales last week, the ESDI lamb indicators, their daily and weekly changes, were: restocker 719c/kg, down 3 cents, down 38c; Merino 518c/kg, no change, down 24c; light 657c/kg, down 1c, down 18c; trade 634c/kg, nc, down 11c.

The ESDI for mutton closed firm on Friday at 497c/kg, down 9 cents for the week, but 179 cents higher than at the same time last year.

Griffith lambs sell to $240

In New South Wales at the Griffith saleyards on Friday, the agents yarded 9100 lambs, 1650 more than last week, and 2500 sheep, 1050 more.

The NLRS said lamb quality was very mixed, with some lines of well-finished lambs offered with plainer types more suited to restockers. The usual buyers competed in a fairly steady market.

Light lambs eased $2 to $120-$124. Trade weights held firm at $125-$149. Most of the offering was heavy and extra heavy weight lambs and prices held fairly steady. Heavy lambs sold from $150-$169. Extra heavies made $161-$240. Carcase prices averaged 608-648c/kg.

Mutton numbers were made up of mostly Merinos and quality was very mixed. Prices continue-be very strong with Merino ewes selling from $105-$183. Crossbreds sold from $131-$187 and Dorper ewes received from $111-$176.

Cowra’s heavy lambs $5 cheaper

At the Cowra saleyards on Friday, the agents yarded 4550 lambs, 1300 fewer than last week, and 1000 sheep, 50 more.

The NLRS said all the buyers operated, but competition was a little softer, resulting in a firm to cheaper market.

Lamb quality was good in the heavy weights, but mixed among the lighter grades. Mainly heavy lambs were penned, along with a limited supply of stores suitable for restockers. Fewer trade weights were yarded.

The light lambs sold to local restockers averaged $113-$124. Medium and heavy trade weights were firm and averaged 650c/kg cwt. Most of the fresh heavy trade weights sold from $140-$150. Heavy weight lambs were $5 cheaper and averaged from 620-625c/kg. There was a good run of extra heavy weight lambs that sold from $185-$216.50.

Mutton sheep quality varied. Medium Merino 2 score ewes averaged $94 or 450c/kg. Heavy first cross ewes averaged $157 or 490c/kg.

Sources: MLA, NLRS, AuctionsPlus.


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  1. Ken Calder, May 9, 2017

    Just proves the facts in my recent letter in the press about a looming shortage of Merino ewes. The scanned in-lamb ewes making these high prices are all joined to terminal sires.

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