
Quality new season lambs sell firm to easier in saleyards

Sheep Central September 11, 2015
These April-May drop 14.1kg cwt White Suffolk cross lambs at Barmedan, NSW, sold for $106.50 on AuctionsPlus yesterday.

These April-May drop 14.1kg cwt White Suffolk cross lambs at Barmedan, NSW, sold for $106.50 on AuctionsPlus yesterday.

NEW season lambs sold firm to easier in saleyards mid-week as quality held across generally reduced saleyard offerings.

Bidding was dominated by domestic processors buying the best quality 22-24kg cwt lambs, but competition waned for the declining number and quality of old lambs offered.

Restockers were also active in New South Wales saleyards after recent rain, lifting prices by up to $11 for some store lambs at Wagga yesterday. Young lambs up to 12kg cwt with $5 skins made $80.20-$82, or 627-650c/kg, and 12.1-18kg lines with $4-$8 skins made $86.60-$113.60, or 500-666c/kg.

Best new season trade lambs making 586-625c/kg

At the Cootamundra saleyards on Wednesday, the National Livestock Reporting Service quoted 12.1-18kg new season lambs with $4-$10 skins as making $81-$113, or 456-578c/kg. The 18.1-22kg trade weights with $9-$10 skins sold from $117-$140, or 564-610c/kg, and the 22.1-26kg lines with $10 skins made $143-$156, or 578-584c/kg.

At the Central Tablelands Livestock Exchange at Carcoar on Wednesday, the 12.1-18kg young lambs with $3-$8 skins made $78-Z$109, or 500-561c/kg. The light and medium trade weights with $5-$8 skins sold for $112-$137, or $112-$137, or 523-586c/kg, and the heavier young lambs with $10 skins made $142-$160, or 550-591c/kg.

At the Wagga saleyards on Thursday, the 18.1-22kg young lambs with $8-$11 skins made $110-$140, or 490-610c/kg, and the 22.1-26kg lines with $5-$11 skins sold from $92-$173, or 378-649c/kg. The 26.1-30kg lines with $11 skins made $164-$178.20, or 564-597c/kg.

At the Hamilton saleyards in Victoria, 12.1-16kg new season lambs with $6 skins made $96, or 563c/kg, and some 20.1-22kg lambs with $10 skins sold for $138, or 582c/kg.

At the Horsham saleyards, the 12.1-18kg young lambs with $3-$5 skins made $80-$117, or 531-611c/kg. The 18.1-22kg lines with $1-$8 skins sold for $115-$142, or 545-625c/kg, and the 22.1-24kg lambs with $8 skins ranged from $142-$153, or 571-611c/kg.

At the Ouyen saleyards, new season export weight crossbred lambs sold from $136-$186, or 480-580c/kg, and the trade weights made $115-$155, or 500-610c/kg.

In Western Australia at the Katanning saleyards on Wednesday, the 0-12kg new season lambs with $1-$2 skins sold from $31-$64, or 363-517c/kg, and the 12.1-18kg lambs with skins valued up to $6 made $61-$100, or 450-588c/kg. The trade weights with $1-$5 skins ranged from $90-$115, or 447-568c/kg.

NLRS lamb indicators mostly firm to dearer

After Thursday’s saleyard sales, the Eastern States Daily Indicators for lambs were: restocker, 581c/kg, up 4 cents; Merino 515c/kg, down 4c; light 540c/kg, up 3c; trade 575c/kg, up 1c; heavy 573c/kg, up 2c. The national trade lamb indicator closed at 575c/kg, up 1 cents, and the heavy indice is on 573c/kg, up 3 cents.

The ESDI for mutton finished on 383c/kg, down 2 cents, and the national indice also closed 2 cents down on 380c/kg.

Cootamundra lamb rates drop back

In New South Wales at the Cootamundra saleyards on Wednesday the agents yarded 4600 lambs, 1253 more than last sale two weeks ago, and 5018 sheep, 3618 more.

The NLRS said the yarding included about 1400 new season lambs. Quality improved although most of the young lambs lacked finish. Trade weights and heavy lambs were best supplied, along with good numbers of light and medium weights Merino lambs. Not all the usual buyers operated in a cheaper market.

After last fortnight’s very strong and small sale, prices eased significantly, with new season medium and heavy trade weights ranging from $117-$140. Heavy weights sold from $136-$152. Carcase weight prices ranged from 580-600c/kg.

Old lambs were not affected as much, easing $7-$10. Medium and heavy trade old lambs sold from $90-$133. Heavy lambs made $128-$152, or from 520-560c/kg. Merino trade weights sold from $86-$102, or from 450-490c/kg.

The sheep were mostly ewes. Prices remained similar, with medium weights making $74-$106 and heavy Merino ewes up to $133. Carcase weight prices for better covered lines ranged from 380-410c/kg.

Carcoar’s young trade lambs firm to $3 cheaper

At the Central Tablelands Livestock Exchange at Carcoar on Wednesday, the agents yarded 3450 lambs, 350 more than last week, and 1200 sheep, 2700 fewer.

The NLRS said there were a few line of well-finished new season lambs in the mixed quality offering. However, most of the old lambs showed the effects of the winter.

Light weight lambs sold firm to $3 cheaper, with the 12-18kg 2 scores making $56-$98. Trade weight new season lambs were firm to $2 cheaper at $98-$144. Heavy weight young lambs sold to $160.

Trade and heavy weight old lambs sold $6 cheaper, with the trade weights making $92-$130 and the few heavy weights sold to $161. Restockers paid to $114 and hoggets sold to $126.

There were a few pens of heavy weight crossbred ewes penned, but most of the Merino sheep were in plain condition. The crossbred ewes sold $3 cheaper while the Merino sheep suffered greater falls, mainly due to quality. The 2 and 3 score Merino ewes sold from $26-$75 while the heavy weight crossbred ewes sold to $119. Plain condition wethers sold to the restockers for $60-$80.

Rain lifts Wagga store lamb prices by up to $11

At the Wagga saleyards on Thursday, the agents yarded 25,000 lambs, 7000 fewer than last week, and 7600 sheep, 1400 less.

The NLRS said the quality of the 15,000-plus new season lambs was outstanding. Old lamb numbers declined and quality varied greatly with competition waning for lambs showing dryness or longer in the wool. All the usual domestic and export buyers attended, but not all bought or operated fully. New season lambs were well-supplied in all trade weight classes, but competition was erratic. Major domestic processors dominated over well-finished drafts of 22-24kg lambs.

Well-finished trade lambs made $125-$153, to average 573c/kg cwt. Buyers operated on skin values of $8-$10.

Widespread rain last week ignited restocker confidence, with some store lambs selling $11 higher. Well-bred second cross lambs returned to the paddock at $86-$112.

Old trade lamb quality was very mixed, with longer wool lambs discounted. The better finished lambs 21-24kg sold from $116-$137, with heavy trade lambs averaging 517c/kg cwt. There was a mixed selection of heavy and extra heavy lambs offered and they sold to a smaller group of buyers for $139-$170.

Sheep quality improved, with plenty of weight in the offering. A fair percentage were medium and heavy weight shorn ewes. Merino trade sheep made from $73-$102, or 357-387c/kg cwt. Heavy ewes sold up to $9 cheaper at $98-$120, or 344-407c/kg. Merino wethers were well-supplied with the heavier pens selling from $92-$130. Wethers made $66-$79.

Horsham lambs fall $2-$4

In Victoria at the Horsham saleyards on Wednesday, the agents yarded 5867 lambs, 2761 fewer than last week, and 5396 sheep, 776 more.

The NLRS said the yarding included 5500 young lambs. Quality was average and, although there was not a lot of weight in the young lambs, they presented well after recent rains. The usual buyers attended, but not all operated fully on the young lambs, which sold to an easier trend.

Quality lambs generally sold $2-$4 back on last week. Restockers from the Mallee areas and the South East were active and sourced 12-18kg cwt young lambs from $80-$96, and the lighter lots up to 12kg made $53.50-$79.

Light weight 2 and 3 score young lambs sold from $90-$100. Light trade 2 and 3 score lambs made $94-$132, and averaged around 590c/kg cwt. Trade weight 3 and 4 score lambs sold from $130-$142. The heavier lots made $142-$153, or 560-615c/kg, to average around 595c/kg. Hoggets sold to $108. Restockers purchased shorn old Merino lambs from $51-$93.

The sheep included all weights and grades. Quality was good with reasonable numbers of recently shorn lighter Merino sheep. Competition was strong with prices generally $2-$5 up on last week and more on selected lots.

Light weight 1 and 2 score sheep sold from $54-$93. Medium weight 2 and 3 score sheep sold from $71-$115, or 345-440c/kg, with Merino mutton averaging about 410c/kg. Heavy 3 to 5 score sheep sold from $71-$121. Heavy Merino wethers made $111-$113, and medium weights from $95-$100, or 410-420c/kg. Rams made $60-$95.

Hamilton lamb demand weaker

At the Hamilton saleyards on Wednesday, the agents yarded 1504 lambs, 237 fewer than last week, and 1770 sheep, 333 less.

The NLRS said lamb quality was plain to average. Sheep numbers also declined with average to good quality offered, made up of some excellent Merino wethers and crossbred ewes. Some restocker activity on light lambs helped competition at times. A small field of buyers operated.

Demand for old lambs was weaker, with light trade and medium trade weights selling equal to $3 easier and heavier trade weights were $8-$10 cheaper.

A single pen of new season lambs that made $138, or about 582c/kg, weighed an estimated 22kg cwt. The light weight 2 score old lambs sold from $54-$64 and the light trade weight 2 and 3 scores made $70-$94, ranging from 460-585c/kg to average 530c/kg. The medium trade weight 3 score old lambs sold from $110-$132, or an average of 570c/kg. The few heavy trade old lambs sold from $130-$140, or about 560c/kg.

The sheep offering’s quality was average to good and it included some excellent Merino wethers and crossbred ewes. Some restocker activity on Merino wethers helped competition. Light weights sold firm. Medium weight trade mutton was $4-$6 easier and the heavier sheep $8-$10 cheaper.

The light weight 1 and 2 score sheep sold from $37-$70 and the medium trade 2 and 3 score mutton made $71-$95, or 310-370c/kg cwt. Heavy 3 and 4 score sheep sold from $82-$102, averaging 340c/kg. The 2 to 3 score medium and heavy weight Merino wethers sold from $81-$100 at 380c/kg. Rams made $62-$82.

Ouyen lamb prices drop $5-$12

At the Ouyen Livestock Exchange on Thursday, the agents yarded 14,635 new season lambs, 3029 older lambs and 3019 sheep.

Prices for all weights and grades of lambs were $5-$12 lower. Heavy sheep were $5 cheaper and light lines sold firm.

New season export weight crossbred lambs sold from $136-$186, or 480-580c/kg, and the trade weights made $115-$155, or 500-610c/kg. Merino lambs sold from $69-$115.

Light sheep sold from $73-$85, or 370-400c/kg, and the heavy lines made $86-$110.

Click here to see the Ouyen agents’ vendor quotations this week.

Katanning new season lamb prices dip on quality

In Western Australia at the Katanning saleyards on Wednesday, the agents yarded 5000 lambs, and 4973 sheep, 169 fewer than last week.

The NLRS said it was in a mixed quality yarding at Katanning. New season lamb prices were back on quality, peaking at $115. All the usual buyers attended.

Trade weight new season lambs sold from $90-$115 and light weights made from $55-$100. Very light lambs under 12kg cwt sold for $31-$64. Crossbred trade weights sold from $109-$112 and Merino trade weight lambs made $75-$86. Air freight lambs sold from $61-$100. Store crossbred lambs to restockers made $65-$86 and very light lambs sold from $29-$53. Merino store lambs sold from $45-$55.

Good quality young Merino ewes sold to restockers for $72-$90 and store wethers sold to $80.

Ewe prices remained firm. Light ewes made $45 and the 2 score processor mutton sold from $54 for bare shorn lines, up to $76 for sheep with a 75mm fleece. The better 3 score bare shorn sheep sold to $70 and those with a full fleece made to $104.

Wether prices were strong with processors paying $99. Restockers and feeders paid $55 to $95/head depending on quality and weight. Live export wethers sold from $90 bare shorn to $122/head with a fleece. Young wethers were in demand and sold firm.

Young rams sold to $105, while the aged rams only made $5-$30. Young rams suitable for live export sold firm at $50-$96, depending on weight.

Tasmanian lamb market dearer

At the northern Tasmanian saleyards on Tuesday, the agents yarded 420 lambs, 430 fewer than last week, and 200 sheep, 100 less.

The NLRS said very small numbers of lambs and sheep were yarded at Powranna and Killafaddy on Tuesday, the smallest offerings this year.

No new season lambs came forward and the old lamb season seems to be coming to a very quick close. The lamb market was much dearer, but also erratic in places and most categories barely had enough lambs to get accurate quotes. There were very few heavy pens and many trade weights lacked finish.

Exporters paid $78-$94 for light lambs and $95-$105 for light trade pens. Trade lambs made $122-$149 and heavy weights made $141-$147. Medium weight ewes and wethers made $67-$89.

Warwick prices firm

In Queensland at the Warwick saleyards on Wednesday, the agents yarded 1678 lambs and hoggets, and 873 sheep.

The market was described as firm for all sheep and lamb descriptions. The top pen of lambs sold for $143 for Clifton producers S. and P. Barkla.

Crossbred lambs 46-55lg lwt sold from $132-$143, the 42-45kg lambs made $126-$140, the 36-42kg lines ranged from $112-$118.50 and the 35-40kg lots made up to $108.

Shorn crossbred hoggets weighing 66kg lwt sold to $115.

Trade wethers with a $14 skins sold to $100 or 405c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred ewes with $8 skins sold to $110 or 400c/kg and light ewes with $5 skins made to $65 or 310c/kg.

Sources: MLA, NLRS, AuctionsPlus.


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