These May-June 2023 drop Australian White ewe lambs (36.8kg lwt) at Condoblin in New South Wales sold for $80 on AuctionsPlus last week.
PROCESSORS bought 20 percent of sheep and lambs sold on AuctionsPlus last week.
AuctionsPlus said processors purchasing 6799 head; comprising crossbred lambs, Merino wether lambs and older ewes.
Prices improved online for Merino wether lambs, ewe-lamb units, unjoined Merino and joined shedding breed ewes.
The online marketplaceās commercial sheep and lamb listings held steady at 53,691 head.
AuctionsPlus said lamb categories registered the bulk of the price falls, with three out of the four decreasing.
AuctionsPlus attributed this to the higher influx of lambs into the system, with its online offering increasing 13 percent to 35,879.
Despite the fluctuations, AuctionsPlus said demand was strong, with clearance increasing nine percentage points to 63pc. This marks the highest weekly clearance rate since the first week of July, when just over 30,000 head were offered.
AuctionsPlus offered 35,465 new season lambs and 63pc were sold. The number of crossbred lambs jumped 20pc to 20,146 head and 62pc were sold for an average of $52, firm on the previous week. At Cumnock in New South Wales, 490 mixed sex March/April 2023 drop first cross l;ambs weighing 34kg sold for $72.
Merino wether lambs had a strong week, with offerings doubling to total 6702 head and the average price increasing $6 to $49. AuctionsPlus said the larger offering did little to dampen buyer activity, with clearance hitting 90pc. The top price was paid for 380 August/September 2022 drop Alandale wether lambs weighing 59kg lwt that made $101.
The online offering of Merino ewes dropped to 1,233 head and the average price for the 68pc sold rose $87 to $105. At Forbes in NSW, 364 two year-old ewes averaging 66kg sold for the top price of $142 to a buyer at Bendigo in Victoria.
Note: Prices as at 5pm Thursday, 6th October 2023
Source – AuctionsPlus.