
PrimeSafe investigates livestock slaughter near Geelong

Sheep Central November 8, 2021

VICTORIAN food safety regulator PrimeSafe has confirmed it is investigating the slaughter of livestock at a property near Geelong.

“The investigation is ongoing and PrimeSafe is not able to provide detail on the active investigation,” a spokesperson said today.

The investigation follows a media report claiming 10-30 sheep were being slaughtered on the property every week.

PrimeSafe is the Victorian food safety regulator of the meat and seafood industries.

“All meat produced for human consumption and sale in Australia is required to come from livestock that are slaughtered at a licensed abattoir where compliance with Australian Standards for food safety and animal welfare are monitored by Government regulators,” the PrimeSafe spokesperson said.

“The Victorian Meat Industry Act, 1993 prohibits the slaughter of livestock – other than at an abattoir or knackery – to produce meat for sale.

“The Act does allow for farmers to slaughter their own livestock on their farm for private consumption on that farm,” the spokesperson said.

“Meat from these animals is not permitted to be sold or to leave the farm.”

Anyone requiring information about meat and seafood safety, or having information about the illegal slaughter of livestock, or sale of illegally slaughtered meat should contact PrimeSafe on 03 9685 7333 or [email protected]


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