
Online wool sales increase as auction price benchmark hits record level

Sheep Central November 14, 2017

ONLINE wool sales strengthened last week as demand increased through the physical auction market.

AuctionsPlus market operations supervisor Tom Rookyard said with the AWEX Eastern Market Indicator closing last week at a record 1681c/kg clean and the Western Australian indicator closing at 1722c/kg, the online platform sold 413 bales.

“What’s more, there are reports that physical auctions are seeing the lowest pas- in rates since August 2013, sitting at 1.3 percent last week.”

For the second consecutive week, the top online priced lot during the week was from the New England Merino stud Yalgoo. The three-bale lot branded Yalgoo/NE was a line of 14.6 micron super Merino fleece wool that sold for 2040c/kg greasy, or 2674c/kg clean. The line yielded 76.3pc with an average staple length of 72mm, a tensile strength of 34 Newtons/kilotex and 0.7pc vegetable matter content. It was offered by Elders.

A five-bale line of 15.5 micron fleece with a yield of 72.3pc that was 90mm long, with a tensile strength of 35N/kt and 0.5vm sold for 1850c/kg greasy, or 2559c/kg clean.

A two-bale line of 16.1 micron Merino fleece made 2015c/kg greasy, or 2538c/kg clean. This line yielded 79.4pc, with an average staple length of 80mm, tensile strength of 38N/kt and 0.7pc vm.

A 15-bale line of 17.1 micron fleece with a yield of 80.2pc, length of 104mm, tensile strength of 41N/kt and 0.7pc vm sold for 1900c/kg greasy, or 2369c/kg clean.

A 10-bale line of 18 micron Merino fleece sold for 1450c/kg greasy, or 2104c/kg clean. The line yielded 68.9pc, had an average staple length of 82mm, a tensile strength of 33N/kt and 0.3pc vm.

An eight-bale line of 19 micron fleece that yielded 70.8pc, with an average staple length of 96mm, a tensile strength of 43mm and 0.6pc vm made 1390c/kg greasy, or 1963c/kg clean.

A 17-bale of 20 micron fleece sold for 1200c/kg greasy, or 1690c/kg clean. The 118mm long line yielded 71pc, with a tensile strength of 42N/kt and 1.5pc vm.

A seven-bale line of 21.3 micron Merino fleece with a yield of 71.8pc, an average staple length of 100mm, a tensile strength of 33N/kt and 0.7pc vm sold for 1164c/kg greasy, or 1621c/kg clean.

An 11-bale line of 22.7 micron Merino fleece sold for 1050c/kg greasy, or 1502c/kg clean. The line yielded 69.9pc, was 109mm long, with a tensile strength of 33N/kt and 1.2pc vm.

Mr Rookyard said all three national selling centres are operating this week with, an estimated 48,000 bales on offer.

“There are no reports from the physical auctions that the market will fall.

“Couple this with AuctionsPlus already seeing online interest, this suggests it will open quite firm,” he said.

However, the early online interest this week has not been of the same ferocity as last week, Mr Rookyard said.

Source: AuctionsPlus.


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