
Online wool sales boom as auction market also lifts

Sheep Central August 30, 2021

ONLINE wool sales boomed in Australia last week as the physical auction market also closed higher.

The AuctionsPlus online offer board trade 709 bales last week, up from 199 bales the previous week.

The strongest enquiry was for 20 micron wool, with 222 bales selling to a top of 955c/kg greasy, or 1328c/kg clean. The offer board also trade 155 bales of 19 micron wool to a top price of 1235c/kg greasy, or 1673c/kg clean.

The top-priced lot for the week was three bales of 15.9 micron Merino fleece wool with an average staple length of 93mm and 0.4pc vegetable matter that sold for 1915c/kg greasy, or 2641c/kg clean. The lot was branded ‘JL/Rocky/Valley’ and offered by Nutrien Ag Solutions – Victoria.

At last week’s physical auctions, the AWEX Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) rose 19 cents on Tuesday and then fell 4 cents on Wednesday, closing out the week up 15 cents at 1350c/kg clean, or US 978c/kg in US dollar terms. Supply fell for the second consecutive week with only 32,475 bales offered, but 14.4pc was passed in.

The lockdowns in Victoria and New South Wales have made it increasingly difficult for buyers to attend physical auctions and is likely deterring wool growers from wanting to sell given the current conditions, AuctionsPlus said.


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