Wool Market Reports

Online wool bale sales double with medium micron interest

Sheep Central May 24, 2021

WOOL bale sales more than doubled on the AuctionsPlus online offer board last week.

The offer board traded 798 bales, compared to 328 bales the previous week.

Wool ranging from 20-21 micron was again in the highest demand, with 189 bales of 20 micron wool being sold, and 159 bales of 21 micron wool changing hands. The offer board also traded 146 bales of 19 micron wool.

The 20 micron wool sold to a top of 930/kg greasy or 1253c/kg clean, whereas the 21 micron wool sold to a top of 920/kg greasy or 1331c/kg clean.

The top priced lot online was a 16.2 micron line with an average staple length of 76mm and 1.6pc vegetable matter that made 1740c/kg greasy or 2525c/kg clean. The two-bale lot was branded PTM/Everton.

Fine Merino wool sold better in physical auctions

On the physical auction market last week, 41,857 bales were offered with 10.9pc passed in and , benchmark AWEX Eastern Market Indicator gained 9 cents to finish the selling week at A1315c/kg clean or US1025c/kg.

AuctionsPlus said finer fleeces were the driving factor behind this week’s gain, supported by demand from Chinese interests. Demand for broader Merino and crossbred fleeces lagged, preventing a larger EMI gain.

AuctionsPlus said this week’s slightly larger auction offering might slow the gains made this week in the finer wool markets, and the unfolding beef situation in Argentina may drive the Australian dollar higher.


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