WOOL industry young farming champion Jo Newton will mix it with drones, data clouds, apps and other speakers at the 2016 NSW Young Farmers Forum in Dubbo on February 20.
The forum’s speakers will include Ms Newton, the NSW Young Farmers acting chair and an Australian Wool Innovation young farming champion, as well as presenters covering young farmer finance and the latest animal health research.
The ‘Farming in 2050’ forum will also feature award-winning farmers, young farmers and NSW Farmers president Derek Schoen discussing the technological tools that could drive the future of agriculture.
“Drones, data clouds, apps – the technology that can be applied to farming is evolving rapidly and our young farmers are going to be at the forefront of supplying food and fibre to an ever growing population,” Mr Schoen said.
“The aim of the forum is to get young farmers together, make connections and listen to people like 2015 NSW Farmer of the Year Ed Fagan and Eric Harvey from Gilgai Farms about how they see the future of farming in Australia.
“We are asking all young farmers to get involved, bring your friends, make new friends and help shape the future of agriculture and rural communities while you’re at it,” he said.
This forum will be held at the Milestone Hotel in Dubbo on Saturday 20 February. Tickets are available at www.eventbrite.com.au (search NSW Young Farmers Forum). It is free for NSW Farmers members and $20 for potential members.
Source: NSW Farmers