Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, David Littleproud
NSW Farmers has welcomed a crackdown on biosecurity breaches, as the Australian Government acts to further bolster protection from growing pest and disease threats.
In a move that reflects the seriousness of biosecurity to industries such as agriculture, the maximum penalty for non-compliance with our biosecurity laws has been increased to $1.11 million.
Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, David Littleproud, said the Biosecurity Amendment (Strengthening Penalties) Bill 2021 is about sending a clear message to individuals and companies who put at risk Australia’s $61 billion agriculture industry and over $1 trillion in environmental assets by contravening the Biosecurity Act 2015.
“The clear message is you could cop jail time and a bigger fine of up to $1.11 million when this legislation is passed by the Parliament,” Minister Littleproud said.
“We already cancel the visas of some travellers coming to Australia for breaches of biosecurity laws. 14 have got turned around and sent packing at their own cost.
“Our biosecurity system protects our agriculture, tourism and other industries, plant and animal health, the environment, and our market access—they are necessary to allow us to trade and for our nation to continue to thrive,” he said.
“This new legislation is just one part of a suite of legislative and administrative changes that I am driving to protect Australia from people who are determined not to comply with our biosecurity requirements in the face of increasing global threats.”
NSW Farmers president James Jackson said stronger deterrents to flouting our strict biosecurity laws are part of the matrix that will help keep threats like khapra beetle and African swine fever at bay.
“We live in a connected world underpinned by travel and trade. COVID-19 may have forced a slowdown in travel, but it’s also provoked an upward trend in parcel movement to Australia,” Mr Jackson said.
“It was disappointing to see a lack of action from a federal level in 2020 around biosecurity. Plans for an Onshore Biosecurity Levy were ditched, then the lack of additional investment to biosecurity in the 2020-2021 Federal Budget.”
“We welcome Minister Littleproud’s announcement for tougher penalties but we still need a sustainable funding mechanism, such as a container levy, which holds those presenting a risk to account.”
Mr Jackson said the widespread health, social and economic harm caused by the spread of COVID-19 in the human population is a clear demonstration of the damage contagious diseases can do, and should be a reminder of the risk pests and diseases pose to our animal and plant populations.
“A CSIRO report released in 2020 confirmed that we should be worried about future pest and disease incursions if our current biosecurity model remains intact.”
“The report reinforced the unfortunate reality that “economic engine” industries like agriculture will be compromised if our biosecurity model is not transformed for the better.”
“We clearly need change. This legislative change is a step in the right direction, but a multifaceted approach to biosecurity must be a priority moving forward.”
Penalties increased for failing to declare high risk goods
Mr Littleproud said with the successful passage of the Biosecurity Amendment (Traveller Declarations and Other Measures) Act 2020, travellers who fail to declare high risk goods when arriving in Australia from overseas after 1 January 2021 may be given infringement notices for up to 12 penalty units ($2,664) instead of 2 penalty units ($444).
“Similarly, the new Biosecurity Amendment (Strengthening Penalties) Bill is also designed to provide a stronger penalty regime that more appropriately reflects the seriousness of breaching the Biosecurity Act than the current law.”
The Bill increases a number of civil and criminal penalties under the Biosecurity Act to ensure they are appropriate, adequate and fit the crime.
“The amendments focus on individuals and businesses, such as commercial importers and biosecurity industry participants, that have a particular responsibility to know and understand their obligations under the Act and take necessary steps to comply with the law.
“It will ensure penalties are set at a level that means they are not merely a cost of doing business,” Mr Littleproud said.
“The new maximum penalties, in some cases up to $1.1 million, reflect the potential gains someone might obtain or seek to obtain through non-compliance with our biosecurity laws, as well as the devastating impact that contraventions may have on Australia’s biosecurity status, market access and economy.
“Anyone who contravenes our biosecurity laws should feel the full force of the law in a manner that reflects the seriousness of their actions.”
Sounds great, but just try to get someone to take action against those who breach property biosecurity. I have sent details about a livestock/property biosecurity issue to police, Federal and State Ministers of Agriculture, Local Land Services and the Department of Primary Industries, but got limited interest and a poor response.
It’s about time appropriate penalties were applied to infringements of biosecurity — as seen on the various programs on television, where people deliberately contravene quarantine laws with contaminants in their luggage and make false declarations. The penalties have been laughable and insulting. Numerous situations which could cause chaos to Australia’s high record of freedom from exotic diseases are shown, with a virtual penalty of a slap on the wrist — $444. It’s been a joke.