
NSW DPI seeks comment on draft wild dog management strategy

Sheep Central April 11, 2017

Wild dogs fight over an animal carcase. Picture – Mike McDermid.

PUBLIC comment on a draft strategy to reduce the impact of wild dogs in New South Wales is being sought by the state’s Department of Primary Industries.

Local communities, groups and individuals are being invited to have their say in developing the NSW Wild Dog Management Strategy 2017-2021 to reduce the impacts of wild dogs.

NSW Department of Primary Industries invasive species strategy manager, Quentin Hart, said wild dogs cause real problems with negative impacts on communities.

“The national impact of wild dogs on livestock, including control costs, is estimated to vary between $50 million to hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

“They cause physical and emotional distress to farming and urban communities by attacking livestock and pets,” Mr Hart said.

“We aim to build on the 2012-2017 strategy, which was endorsed by the peak body overseeing pest animal policy and programs, the NSW Pest Animal Council, to deliver a framework which will continue to reduce wild dog impacts across the state.”

NSW DPI, Local Land Services, NSW Farmers’ Association, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the National Wild Dog Facilitator, with links to the National Wild Dog Action Plan and the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, are working to help develop the latest strategy.

Mr Hart said input from the public is essential in developing an effective strategy.

“Coordination and cooperation between public and private land managers is the key to effective management of all pest animals and is a focus of the strategy,” he said.

“The latest information and community response will guide specific action to help reduce negative impacts of wild dogs and will help define the roles and responsibilities of government agencies, public and private land managers and other community members in managing wild dogs,” he said.

The NSW Government is committed to striving for better outcomes from wild dog management and encourages public involvement in the development of an effective strategy.

Click here to have your say on the draft NSW Wild Dog Management Strategy 2017–2021 by Friday May 5 2017.

Source: NSW DPI.


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  1. Chick Olsson, April 12, 2017

    Two rounds of aerial baiting kills 90 percent of wild dogs … it’s that simple.

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