
Nominations open for 2020 Australian Wool Industry Medal

Sheep Central March 20, 2020

2019 Australian Wool Industry Medal recipient Michael Blake, left, with FAWO chairman David Michell.

NOMINATIONS have opened for the prestigious Australian Wool Industry Medal to be awarded in August this year.

Nominations can be from or for people working or who have worked in any sector of the wool supply chain and must be received by the close of business on 1 May, 2020.

Medal recipients will be awarded by Wool Industries Australia during Melbourne’s Wool on Thursday 27 August.

Every year, the Australian Wool Industry Medal (AWIM) recognises several men and women who have made an exceptional and sustained contribution to the Australian wool industry.

The medal program was launched in 2017 by former FAWO chairman Robert Ryan and is open to anyone in the industry, including brokers, shearers, wool classers, brokers, growers, researchers, educators and buyers.

Nominations are now open to all men and women who have worked in or represented the Australian wool industry and made an exceptional and sustained contribution in the Australian wool industry in one or more of the following categories: production, shearing, wool classing, testing, brokering, market reporting and analysis, administration/regulation services, exporting, processing, education, science, promotion, fashion or other area.

Past medal winners have included former Australian Wool Innovation chairman Wal Merriman, South Australian wool broker Steph Brooker-Jones, AWH administrator Nan Allison, and sheep breeders Thomas Ashby and David Rowbottom.

Click here for the AWIM nomination form.

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