
New South Wales’ Riverina region leads sheep and lamb buyback

Sheep Central June 3, 2019

NEW South Wales producers and processors continued to dominate sheep and lamb buying on AuctionsPlus last week.

AuctionsPlus offered 57,355 last week, a drop of 15,989 head, but a clearance of 80 percent was achieved.

About 25pc of the national online offering – 14,066 head — was sold into the state’s Riverina region, with about 46pc of the week’s listings being sold this and other areas in the state. Victoria took 16.5pc – 9448 head – of the national offering and 2035 head sold into the mid and upper north of South Australia.

New South Wales producers also offered 43pc of the listings — or 24,875 head, a drop of about 17,000 on the previous week. Victorian producers offered 17,526 sheep and lambs, up 945 and Tasmania listed 1001 head, up 289. Queensland’s offering fell 3957 to 7972 and South Australian producers listed 5981 head, down 199.

Merino ewe lambs sell up to $227

Online demand for Merino ewe lambs was high last week, with 85pc of the 14,243 head offered finding buyers. Prices ranged from $76 to $227 and averaged $165. The top price was paid for a line of 10-11 month-old North Ashrose ewes at Spalding, South Australia. The ewe lambs weighed 37kgs liveweight and will be remaining in SA.

Merino ewe hoggets sold from $119 to $244 and averaged $175. The top-priced line of 51kg Tamaleuca blood ewes at Wentworth, New South Wales, had been station mated to White Suffolk rams. They sold to a NSW buyer at Deniliquin. Other Merino highlights last week included a line of three year-old ewes at Talwood in Queensland selling to a buyer at Dubbo in NSW for $171 and a line of three year-old scanned in-lamb ewes at Nyngan, NSW, making $239 with a buyer at Inverell, NSW.

Merino wether lambs sell to $164.50

AuctionsPlus said Merino wether lambs continued to be an attractive item, with 88pc of the 10,500 head offered selling. Prices ranged from $77 to $164.50 and averaged $113. The top price was paid for a line of Hazeldean blood wether lambs at Rankins Springs, NSW. The lambs averaged 44kgs, had a 5cm fleece and sold to a Victorian buyer at Echuca in Victoria.

Merino wether hoggets sold from $70 to $176 and averaged $112. The top price was paid for 400 wethers carrying a 6.5cm fleece at Armidale, NSW. The Yalgoo and Demondrille blood wethers weighed 50kgs and sold to a NSW buyer at Coolah. Other highlights included a line of Merino wether hoggets selling for $114 at Talwood, QLD. They had a 2.5cm fleece and sold to a NSW buyer at Forbes.

First cross ewe lambs make $230

First cross ewe lambs averaged $186 and sold from $122 to $230. The top price was paid by a Corowa buyer for a line at Booroowa, NSW, that weighed 56kgs.

Scanned in-lamb first cross ewes averaged $213.50 and sold from $190 up to $240.50 for 265 2-5 year-old ewes at Collie, NSW. The 62kg ewes had been scanned in-lamb to to Poll Dorset rams. At Brit Brit in Victoria, a line of two year-old scanned in-lamb first cross ewes made $210. The ewes weigh 50kgs and had been joined to composite rams.

Border Leicester/SAMM ewe lambs sell to $247

Other lines of ewes sold for more than $200, including some joinable 9-10 month-old Border Leicester/SAMM at Nyngan in NSW that made $247. The ewe lambs weighed 65kgs and sold to a South Australian buyer at Jamestown. A line of 2.5-4.5 year-old scanned in-lamb White Suffolk/composite ewes at Macarthur, Victoria, sold for $214. The ewes had been joined to Southdown rams and are heading to Echuca.

Strong demand for store lambs online

There was strong demand for store lambs on AuctionsPlus last week with the 4675 head offered all selling. Top prices included:

White Suffolk cross mixed sex lambs, September 2018 drop, 40kg, $181 or 449c/kg liveweight, Yulecart, Victoria

White Suffolk cross mixed sex lambs October 2018 drop, 38kg, $158 or 433c/kg, Grabben Gullen, NSW

Frist cross mixed sex lambs, August/September 2018 drop, 35kg, $152 or 439c/kg, Orange, NSW

Composite mixed sex lambs, August/September 2018 drop, 32kgs, $148 or 463c/kg, Macarthur, Victoria.


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