
New season lambs boost AuctionsPlus listings by more than 40pc

Sheep Central September 24, 2018

NEW season lambs helped boost online sheep and lamb numbers on AuctionsPlus last week.

Sheep and lamb listings increased from all states except Victoria last week, lifting the offering by 43,000 head to 101,208.

Agents listed 45,000 new season lambs and 22,000 Merino and Poll Merino ewes for the 683 unique users who logged into the online saleyard sales.

Merino ewe lambs and hoggets averaged $147, selling from $75 to a top of $261 for a line of 14-15 month-old 62kg Moorundie Park blood unjoined ewes at Jabuk in South Australia. The young and grown Merino ewes sold from $70-$251 for an average of $140.

Merino ewe highlights included $251 for a line three year-old ewes at Goodnight in New South Wales, $211 for some 3.5 year-old 74kg ewes at Bendigo in Victoria and $168 for 2.5 year-old ewes at Collie, NSW.

Merino wethers and lambs sell to $148

AuctionsPlus offered 31,000 Merino and Poll Merino wethers and wether lambs last week, with 77pc cleared to buyers. Merino wether lambs averaged $85 and sold from $55-$122. The top price was paid for a line of 36kg May-June drop Poll Merino suckers from Kingston in South Australia. A line of 34kg April-May drop Poll Merino suckers at Hallett, SA, sold for $117.

Grown Merino wethers this week averaged $105 last week. The top price of $148 was paid for lines of two year-old and 3-4 year-old late January shorn wethers at Merino in Victoria. Other Merino wether and wether lamb highlights included 16kg April-May drop lambs at Collie, NSW, making $56,  4-7 year-old wethers at Hughenden in Queensland selling for $98, and two year-old Egelabra blood wethers at Longreach, Queensland, making $86.

First cross ewe hoggets to $250

First cross ewe lambs sold from $150-$188 and averaged $174 online last week. First cross ewe hoggets sold from $180-$250 and averaged $230.

First cross ewes with lambs averaged $220 and sold to $309 a line of two year-old ewes at Coolamon, NSW, with Dorset and White Suffolk lambs. Other highlights included 12-13 month-old hoggets at Young, NSW, selling for $253; 11-13 month-old unjoined hoggets at Dookie, Victoria, making $250; and May-June drop ewe suckers at Kingston, SA, making $187.

New season lamb highlights

Poll Dorset cross, May-Jun ‘18 drop, 37kg lwt, $142.50/383c/kg lwt, Marrar, NSW

Poll Dorset cross, May-Jun ‘18 drop, 36kg, $142.50/399c/kg, Euroa, Victoria

First cross mixed sex, Apr-May ‘18 drop, 37kg, $138/378c/kg, Coonamble, NSW

First cross store wethers, Mar-Apr ‘18 drop, 39kg, $137/349c/kg, Trundle, NSW

Poll Dorset cross, May-Jun ‘18 drop, 32kg, $135.50/420c/kg, Euroa, Victoria

First cross mixed sex, Mar-Apr ‘18 drop, 27kg, $132/494c/kg, Narromine, NSW

White Suffolk cross, Apr-May ‘18 drop, 39kg, $131/338c/kg, Alawoona, South Australia

White Suffolk cross, Apr-May ‘18 drop, 37kg, $131/351c/kg, Veitch, SA

Click here to see the AuctionsPlus listings by state.

Source: AuctionsPlus.


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