MLA’s general manager livestock productivity, Dr Jane Weatherley.
SHEEP producers in Australia’s pastoral zones are the focus of the latest module in the popular and practical Making More from Sheep (MMfS) program.
As a joint initiative of Meat & Livestock Australia and Australian Wool Innovation, MMfS provides sheep meat and wool producers with a best practice package of information, management tools and events to assist them to achieve profitable and sustainable sheep production.
Efficient Pastoral Production is the topic of Module 12 in the program, which was officially launched last week at AgFair, Broken Hill and is now available online at www.makingmorefromsheep.com.au
MLA’s general manager livestock productivity, Dr Jane Weatherley, said the module takes into consideration issues and management perspectives specific to Australia’s pastoral zones.
“The new module is designed to help pastoral sheep producers increase the productivity and profitability of their enterprises, as well as contribute to the personal satisfaction of operating a successful pastoral business.
“Through this module, pastoral sheep producers can find principles and procedures on the key issues that impact on pastoral sheep business profitability, as well as natural resources and controlling risk,” Dr Weatherley said.
AWI manager, wool grower extension and adoption, Emily King, said the new module contains seven procedures and each includes ‘must do’ activities, tools to assist in managing the issues identified in the module, and signposts which direct producers to further information and assistance.
“The material was devised by a team of technical experts and sheep producers regarded as industry leaders,” Ms King said.
“The team identified the critical procedures for each component of a sheep business and the tools needed to make a start on changing enterprise practices.
“The manual was road tested by sheep producers from all pastoral areas of Australia, as well as public and private service providers who operate businesses in those areas.”
MMfS coordinates and delivers events in each of the sheep producing states that align with the MMfS modules.
Anyone interested in delivering or attending an event aligned to the pastoral modules should contact the coordinator in each state: http://www.makingmorefromsheep.com.au/contact.htm
Across southern Australia, 11,057 sheep producers have participated in MMfS awareness events and 5,634 in MMfS knowledge, skills and confidence events since 2006.
Source: MLA.