
National wool broker award applications wanted

Sheep Central July 24, 2023

AUSTRALIA’S top young wool brokers are being invited to nominate for the National Wool Selling Brokers of Australia’s 2023 award.

The 2023 NCWSBA Wool Broker Award recognises excellence in service to wool growers, auctioneering and/or innovation by an outstanding wool broker employee who is working for a NCWSBA member.

NCWSBA executive director Robert Herrmann said applications for the award are open and will close on August 11.

The award is in its tenth year and the prize for the winner is a fully-paid trip to attend the 2025 congress of the International Wool Textile Organisation. The congress’ 2025 venue has not been finalised.

Past winners of the award have attended IWTO Congresses in China, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Italy, South Africa and Japan.

The award winners also visit wool textile mills and wool growing properties and get to expand their experience and understanding of the global wool industry.

Award details and application forms are available from the NCWSBA website at and can also be obtained by emailing [email protected]

An independent selection panel will review all applications and short-listed finalists will be notified. The finalists will attend the NCWSBA’s Annual General Meeting to give a short presentation in support of their nomination at the RACV Club, Melbourne on 24th August 2023. The winner will be announced at the Wool Week dinner that evening.


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