Grazing Land Management

More locust reports in central west NSW prompt fly-over

Sheep Central October 22, 2015
Locust nymphs banding at Dunedoo in NSW.

Locust nymphs banding at Dunedoo in NSW.

CENTRAL west New South Wales landholders have been called to action on locusts after almost 80 reports recently.

Central West Local Land Services senior biosecurity officer Rhett Robinson said there had been 76 locust reports in the central west region, with many more unreported outbreaks suspected.

“We need landholders to be actively monitoring and managing locusts on their properties,” he said.

“As part of the aerial surveying, we will be following up with property visits to individual landholders with unreported locust activity.”

Central West Local Land Services staff will be flying over areas with high locust activity this week to identify properties needing on-ground control.

Individual landholder will be then contacted to ensure locusts are managed appropriately.

Central West Local Land Services is advising landholders to inspect their properties closely for locust activity, report any activity and control locally through ground chemical application, particularly fourth instar nymphs (1.5-2cm).

Under the Local Land Services Act 2013 landholders have a legal obligation to report any of the three declared plague locust species (Australian Plague, Spur-throated and Migratory locusts) to their Local Land Services office.

Landholders also have an obligation to eradicate locusts on their property. They should report any activity to Local Land Services via phone, email or in person.

CWLLS said the spring locust season has become drawn out with current seasonal conditions.

“We are seeing a very protracted locust hatching season.

“With current dry seasonal conditions, they are coming out in dribs and drabs,” Mr Robinson said.

“We are seeing first instar nymphs on some properties and fourth instar nymphs on others.

“It is fourth instar nymphs that landholders need to start targeting quickly,” he said.

“They have another week or so before they really start spreading out and control becomes more difficult.”

Landholders should report any locust activity to their nearest Local Land Services office, call 1300 795 299 or visit


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