
MLA’s National Goat Roadshow is returning to Victoria first

Sheep Central July 24, 2019

Boer meat goats. Image – MLA

MEAT & Livestock Australia’s National Goat Roadshow will return with a series of events starting in Victoria next month.

The roadshow events will focus on improving the on-farm practices and business management skills of Australian goat meat producers.

The events will profile a range of new MLA resources and tools for goat meat producers and delve into the practical aspects of managing goats, including carcase selection, animal selection, biosecurity, CAE, Code of Transport and profitability.

Three events are scheduled across Victoria next month, including at Ellinbank on Tuesday, 13 August, Ballarat on Wednesday, 14 August and Bendigo on Thursday, 15 August.

MLA goat industry project manager, Julie Petty, said the roadshow was an excellent opportunity for producers to get together and learn more about practical ways to get more from their goat production.

“With topics covering business management, productivity gains through animal health, producer case studies and an industry expert panel session, the events will help goat meat producers add more to their bottom lines,” Ms Petty said.

The MLA National Goat Roadshow will feature talks from industry experts including Holmes Sackett Director John Francis, Agriculture Victoria Biosecurity & Agricultural Services Goat Health Veterinary Officer Berwyn Squire, an industry panel and local producers.

Planning is underway for events in South Australia and New South Wales, with details to be released soon.

Registrations for the goat roadshow events are essential, and can be made online here or by contacting AgCommunicators on (08) 8332 3277.

The one-day workshops run from 9am to 1pm and cost is $55 for levy payers or $71.50 for non-levy payers.


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