MEAT & Livestock Australia is looking for three livestock producer representatives – from the sheep meat, grass-fed cattle and grain-fed beef sectors – to sit on its board selection committee for a three-year term.
The selection committee’s role is to review, interview and then report to members on the suitability of board candidates for industry endorsement (or rejection) to the MLA board, by grassroots levy-payers.
Producer members wishing to nominate a person or themselves for election to the board selection committee at the 2023 MLA AGM must give written notice to MLA by 18 September. All producer nominees will be put forward to the AGM for members to vote on.
The selection committee has nine members. The grass-fed cattle, lotfeeder and sheep meat peak councils each appoint one member, two non‑voting members are MLA directors, and the remaining four are producer representatives elected at the MLA AGM for a period of three years.
At the 2021 AGM, MLA cattle producer members voted to elect Julie McDonald to the Selection Committee, and she is completing year two of her three-year term.
Producer representatives on the selection committee are paid a sitting fee in accordance with MLA policy and expenses are covered for travel to attend meetings.
- For more information, click here
- Download the 2023 nomination for election to the Selection Committee form
- Read the MLA Board Selection Committee charter
Source: MLA