Research & Development

MLA seeks industry feedback to shape 2030 strategic plan

Sheep Central January 28, 2025

MEAT and Livestock Australia is calling for industry input into a new five-year strategic plan that will guide its operation and the services it delivers from 2025 to 2030.

MLA managing director Michael Crowley said MLA is responsive to industry requirements and the evolving operating environment of our industry.

“A core element of the Strategic Plan development is extensive feedback and consultation across the industry to hear directly from stakeholders – including producers, peak industry bodies and the Australian Government.

“Over the past five months, MLA has held more than 12 engagement sessions across the country. MLA is working with members to ensure we gather feedback on opportunities, risks, research, development, adoption and marketing priorities,” he said.

MLA is now calling for industry stakeholders to also have their say via an online feedback form. The producer levy-funded marketing, research and development organisation said this will direct its focus and the services that are fundamental to the success of the industry.

MLA’s consultation process continues in early 2025, with the new strategic plan to launch on 1 July 2025. Responses to a feedback survey will be received until 14 February 2025.

“We welcome feedback from MLA members, levy payers, industry groups and stakeholders to a survey seeking feedback and guidance on key priorities, risks and areas of core focus for the MLA Strategic Plan 2030,” Mr Crowley said.

To have your say, please fill out the following survey: New strategic plan consultation survey

Source – MLA.


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