MEAT & Livestock Australia members are being encouraged to return their levies notice to ensure they secure their full voting entitlement for any ballots and board elections held by MLA in 2020-21.
MLA levies notice packs have been sent in recent weeks to red meat producers across the country who are MLA members, offering them an opportunity to secure their full voting entitlements at MLA’s 2020 Annual General Meeting, based on the levies they paid in 2019-20.
To ensure members receive their full voting entitlement, they must complete and return their personalised Levy Notice by 21 September 2020.
MLA managing director Jason Strong encouraged all MLA members to return their levies notices and take up their full voting entitlement.
“We want to ensure as many producers are actively engaged in this important process. I’d encourage all levy payers take every opportunity to have an input into how MLA is investing their levies,” Mr Strong said.
“The Levies Notice is the first of two packs that MLA members will receive over the coming months. In October, members will also receive their AGM Pack which contains their voting entitlement, the notice of MLA’s 2020 AGM and a proxy form for use by those who cannot attend the meeting in person.”
MLA’s 2020 AGM will be held on Thursday, 19 November 2020.
The business of the MLA AGM may include:
- the consideration of the annual Financial Report, Directors’ Report, Auditor’s Report and any resolutions
the election of Directors
the election of Selection Committee members
the appointment of the auditor
questions or comments from members about the management of MLA.
Click here for more information on the Annual General Meeting and voting entitlements.