
MLA director resigns

James Nason July 18, 2014
Christine Gilbertson

Christine Gilbertson

The sudden resignation of a Meat Livestock Australia board member overnight has taken industry by surprise.

In response to questions about a rumoured resignation this morning, MLA chair Dr Michelle Allan confirmed early this afternoon that Christine Gilbertson has resigned from the MLA Board effective today, July 18 July 2014.

Ms Gilbertson, who has a strong accounting, finance and risk management back ground, was elected to the MLA board in November 2012. She recently served as the organisation’s acting managing director between the departure of previous MD Scott Hansen and the appointment of new MD Richard Norton six weeks ago.

Ms Gilbertson was to retire from the Board at this year’s AGM and according to an MLA statement to Beef Central this afternoon she had decided that she would not nominate for re-election, having recently taken up a full time executive role based in Melbourne.

“I have enjoyed my time on the Board of MLA and wish the Board and recently appointed Managing Director, Richard Norton, every success,” Ms Gilbertson said.

Dr Allan said Ms Gilbertson had made a significant contribution to the company, particularly through her work as chair of the Audit and Risk Committee and her tireless efforts during her period as interim managing director while the recruitment process for the new managing director was underway.

“Christine has been an excellent director and brought a level of rigour and professionalism to the role that the company has benefited greatly from.  We wish her well in her new executive role and thank her for efforts on behalf of MLA,” Dr Allan said.

The reasons for Ms Gilberston’s sudden departure have not been disclosed but the news comes at a time of intense scrutiny and uncertainty for MLA following last year’s critical Livestock Production Innovation R&D systems review and a recent Senate Inquiry, which is now due to report on September 23.

Beef Central was unable to contact Ms Gilbertson before today’s daily news email was published but will provide any updates to this article as they come to hand.

The MLA statement said that at the conclusion of the director selection committee process, nominations for three director positions will be going forward to the MLA AGM to be held on 13 November 2014.


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