
MLA AGM program packed with valuable industry insights

Sheep Central September 30, 2016

AN information-packed program of events has been scheduled for this year’s Red Meat Industry Forum and Meat & Livestock Australia annual general meeting in the Adelaide Hills in November.

mla-logo-paddedBeef, lamb and goat meat producers attending the event in Hahndorf in the Adelaide Hills on Thursday, November 10 will be exposed to the latest insights into industry innovations and global market developments.

The day will feature a series of events that will provide producers a unique opportunity to discuss the future of the red meat and livestock industry with colleagues, industry leaders and MLA’s leadership team and board of directors.

The theme for this year’s program is 2020 and beyond – Fostering prosperity in the red meat industry and will have a specific focus on the future, as well as the current state of the red meat and livestock industry – and the role MLA will play in building producer profitability, sustainability and global competitiveness.

The program features a two-stage Red Meat Industry Forum which will provide an opportunity to hear from senior industry and MLA leaders, including an open Q&A component.

The Red Meat Advisory Council will host one producer forum featuring an industry update from new RMAC chair, Don Mackay. This will be followed by a moderated panel session for an engaging discussion on industry issues.

The MLA Producer Forum, to follow, will include key updates from senior program managers Sean Starling (Research, Development and Innovation); Dr Christine Pitt (MLA Donor Company); Dr Jane Weatherley (Integrity and Information Systems Company); and Michael Finucan (General Manager, International Markets).

The Forum will continue with the presenters joined by chief marketing & communications officer Lisa Sharp, and general manager, Producer Consultation and Adoption, Michael Crowley, for an open Q&A session.

Producers in attendance will also be able to visit a number of trade stands throughout the day. These include stands on MLA’s community and consumer promotion programs, MLA’s market information activities, MDC and industry benefits across the value chain, your levy at work and demonstrations of leading RD&A projects.

Here’s a summary of the key events over the two days:

MLA networking function

A chance to meet the MLA Board, Leadership Team and key industry stakeholders in a social setting the evening prior to the Red Meat Industry Forum and AGM.

Attendees will get a chance to try a range of dishes developed by MLA corporate chef Sam Burke, developed in conjunction with the food service industry around the world to promote Australian red meat.

There is no cost to attend this event, however RSVP is essential.

  • Date: Wednesday November 9
  • Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
  • RSVP: [email protected] or 02 9463 9333 by Friday 28 October.

2016 Red Meat Industry Forum

Session one: Red Meat Advisory Council (RMAC) Forum

  • Date: Thursday, November 10
  • Time: 10am – 11.30am

The RMAC forum will include an industry update from chairman Don Mackay, appointed in July 2016, followed by a moderated panel session for an engaging discussion on industry issues.

Session two: MLA Producer Forum

  • Date: Thursday, November 10
  • Time: 1pm – 3pm

The MLA producer forum will include key updates from MLA senior leaders:

  • Sean Starling, MLA General Manager, Research, Development and Innovation – Improved uptake and efficiency of RD&A through the value chain
  • Dr Christine Pitt, CEO, MLA Donor Company (MDC) – accelerating innovation in the red meat industry and building industry capacity through collaboration
  • Dr Jane Weatherley, CEO, Integrity and Information Systems Company – using big data in the red meat and livestock industry, including an update on the new Information and Integrity Systems Company
  • Michael Finucan, MLA General Manager, International Markets – driving preferences and loyalty in global markets.

The Forum will continue with the presenters to be joined by Lisa Sharp, MLA Chief Marketing & Communications Officer and Michael Crowley, MLA General Manager, Producer Consultation and Adoption, for an open Q&A session.

Meat & Livestock Australia Annual General Meeting 2016

  • Date: Thursday, November 10
  • Time: 3.30pm – 5pm

This is the formal AGM meeting, including MLA chair Michele Allan reporting on MLA’s performance and governance for the last year and MLA managing director Richard Norton presenting on the vision for the industry 2020 and beyond.

The lunch and post-AGM gathering day will feature a menu developed by MLA Corporate Chef Sam Burke showcasing South Australian red meat and regional produce.  Lunch includes dishes highlighting Australia’s key red meat export markets, and immediately following the AGM there will be a traditional Australian BBQ featuring South Australian red meat products.

Producers are encouraged to register to attend these events and take advantage of the opportunity to hear about current and future industry trends, how their levy is being invested by MLA and future RD&A and marketing programs.

  • For more information about the events and to register, click here.

Source: MLA


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