Lamb Production

Meat research council needs sheep producer members

Sheep Central August 24, 2015

Lambs new seasonSHEEP producers have less than two weeks to nominate for seven regional committees that will provide input into the Southern Australia Meat Research Council (SAMRC).

Nominating producers need to submit a short expression of interest clearly stating the region of interest and addressing the three selection criteria by Sunday, September 6, 2015.

Suitably skilled sheep producers from South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and NSW, and Queensland can nominate to help set the research and development agenda for their region. The committees are based on agro-climatic zones and provide producers with a clear avenue for input into setting the strategic direction for MLA investment.

Nominees need knowledge, networks and experience

Meat and Livestock Australia said regional committee members will be selected from producers with commercial production experience in their local region and who:

– Have strong networks and knowledge of production issues in their area;

– Have an interest in contributing to the setting of research, development and application priorities;

– Are willing to advocate on industry research and development issues.

The time commitment will be up to four days per year. An honorarium and expenses will be paid. Nominating producers do not need to be a member of a state farming organisation.

Under MLA’s new consultation model SAMRC will join the newly developed Western Australia Livestock Research Council (WALRC) and the existing North Australia Beef Research Council (NABRC) as overarching bodies to collect grass-roots feedback from local and regional Producer Committees.

This input will then be taken to the Red Meat Panel for consideration in setting R&D priorities.

The regional sheep committees and their chair people include:

– Northern NSW and Queensland, Tom Amey, [email protected]

– Central NSW and tablelands, Gus Whyte, [email protected]

– Southern NSW, Angus Hobson, [email protected]

– South east Victoria and Tasmania, Jenny O’Sullivan, [email protected]

– Central Victoria, Hannah Marriott, [email protected]

– Western Victoria, Tim Leeming, [email protected]

– South Australia, Allan Piggott, [email protected]

Regional committees can help target industry needs

SAMRC chair Ralph Shannon said the process not only gave producers a greater say in setting R&D priorities, but also provided an opportunity for key research partners to collaborate with the red meat industry.

“These independent, producer-driven committees have the capacity to be highly successful in making sure levy investments are targeted to industry needs.

“I’m also excited about the opportunity for the Research Council process to draw co-investors into the agricultural research arena,” he said.

“The future of cutting edge agricultural research depends upon the production sector working hand in hand with universities, government and the private sector, and SAMRC can be the vehicle for those partnerships to be created.

“I urge producers interested in research and development that makes a difference on-farm to apply for a role in SAMRC’s regional committees.”

Committees will strengthen local input into priorities

MLA general manager, on farm innovation and adoption, Dr Matt McDonagh, said the committees covering New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and parts of Queensland offered local sheep meat producers stronger input than ever before into the setting of local research and development priorities.

“MLA is changing the way it consults with producers across Australia to ensure the people who fund R&D activities have direct input into how levy money is spent.

“These grass-roots committees will form a vital part of the Southern Australia Meat Research Council (SAMRC),” Dr McDonagh said.

“MLA is committed to giving producers a stronger voice in R&D decisions to ensure the work we do better reflects industry needs and delivers optimum value back to grazing businesses.”

More information on how to nominate is available at email [email protected] or call 1800 023 100. Nominations should be made to Mary Goodacre, [email protected] or MLA, PO Box 1961, North Sydney NSW 2059.

For more information click on

Source: Meat and Livestock Australia



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