Export Lamb

Major lamb processors release new season spring-summer forward contracts

Terry Sim July 11, 2016

Processing-lamb-1MAJOR lamb processors have released forward contracts for new season lambs delivered from August to December this year.

Late last month JBS Australia released its contract for MSA-certified 18-32kg cwt spring lambs (crossbreds and Merinos) and shorn crossbred old lambs — delivered to its Bordertown in South Australia, and to its Cobram and Brooklyn abattoirs in Victoria.

This was followed by the release about a week later of Thomas Foods International’s 16-34kg cwt spring lamb contracts for August to December delivery to its Tamworth, Murray Bridge and Lobethal plants.

At Bordertown, JBS is proposing to pay 600c/kg for suitable crossbred new season lambs in August, from 540-580c/kg in September, from 500-540c/kg in October, 480c/kg in November and 480-540c/kg in December.

JBS Australia’s Cobram plant will be closed for maintenance in the first three weeks of August, but will pay 600c/kg for MSA-certified new season crossbred lambs delivered in the week up to August 28. At Cobram in September, the new season crossbred lamb price range is 540-580c/kg, in October this will drop to 500-540c/kg, the November price will be 480c/kg and in December rates will lift to 480-540c/kg.

The JBS Brooklyn plant price in late November will be 480c/kg for crossbred new season lambs, and in December it ranges from 480-540c/kg.

TFI opens with an August price range for new season crossbred lambs of 590-630c/kg for all three plants, moving to 550-580c/kg in September, to 500-540c/kg in October and to 500c/kg in November-December.

Penalties apply for all lambs outside the companies’ respective weight ranges and both companies reserve the right to close the contracts at any time.

For full details on the new season crossbred and Merino lambs prices and old lamb prices for both companies click on the links below.

Click here for the JBS Australia spring lamb forward contract

Click here for the TFI spring lamb forward contract.


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