
Local sheep meat research-focussed projects sought by MLA

Sheep Central April 3, 2020

SHEEP meat and beef producer groups are being invited by Meat & Livestock Australia to submit funding applications for local projects to validate the on-farm benefits of research and development findings.

MLA is calling for preliminary applications for its Producer Demonstration Sites (PDS) program for 2020-21, with applications closing on 12 May 2020.

The PDS program aims to increase the rate of adoption of key management practices and technologies that improve business profitability, productivity and sustainability, through supporting livestock producers working in peer to peer groups.

It includes levy and co-contributor funding options for projects ranging from two to six years, for projects that aim to increase the prosperity and address priorities of sheep and/or beef cattle enterprises.

MLA program manager – adoption, David Packer, said the 2020-21 Terms of Reference and levy PDS priorities are now available on the MLA website.

“Producer groups wishing to engage in a Levy PDS project can apply for up to $25,000 per year, and producer groups wishing to engage in a Co-Contributor PDS project can apply for up to $50,000 per year, both for the length of the project.

“Co-Contributor projects require producer investment in the project, which is matched by MLA Donor Company (MDC) ,” Mr Packer said.

“A PDS must be initiated by a producer group comprising a minimum of ten core producers, and address a key priority limiting enterprise productivity, profitability and sustainability.

“The PDS projects must be designed with an aim of achieving positive outcomes throughout the project, with opportunity for broader implementation by observer producers,” he said.

“It must also be of sufficient interest that it is demonstrated on a minimum of three different properties and at a commercially relevant scale, though flexibility is offered on numbers of core producers and sites for extensive regions.”

Levy PDS program applications must align with the Research Advisory Council PDS priorities, as defined in the Terms of Reference, in the categories of animal health and welfare, feedbase productivity, production system, and beef/sheep productivity.

Co-Contributor PDS program applications must align with industry priorities and targets as per industry and MLA strategic plans.

The Terms of Reference, updated producer application guidelines and forms are available to download here.

For full details of the Producer Demonstration sites (PDS) program, click here.

Source: MLA.


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